The darkness sets in.

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Tengen swung at Gyutaros head. Tanjiro did the same. Gyutaro quick blocked the swords with the scythes. "You really think you're capable of not cutting off my head? Hate to brake it to you, even with a dragon on your side, thats not gonna happen." Gyutaro said. As little vein like things grabbed into tanjiros, and Tengens swords from Gyutaros sickles. Tengen quickly went to stab the back of gyutaro's neck with his other sword. Gyutaro turned his head all the way around, and grabbed the sword with his teeth.  Veins on Gyutaros arms popped, and he began his blood demon art again. "Kamado, Hang on tight!" Tengen yelled, as Gyutaro began his blood demon art, ad Tengen jumped off the roof onto the ground.

"Mr. Uzui!" Tanjiro yelled. "Who in the hell..." daki started. "Look out!" Inosuke yelled. "Thinks they can blow my head apart like that!?" Daki yelled with her healed. Y/N looked down. Shit... i was sure that would kill her. Is it something with these two demons?

Daki jumped back up, and onto the other roof, sending her belts out to attack tanjiro, and the others. Inosuke, and Zenitzu began to fight off the belts. "We need to behead her first. She's the weaker of the two."  Zenitsu yelled. "Tanjiro, can you still move?" Zenitsu asked. Tanjiro looked down to tengen and Gyutaro fighting, and belts wrapped around him. He did a breathing technique, and broke the belts. "I can move. How ever, Mr. Uzui has been poisoned, and he's in bad shape because of it. So we have to hurry, or else he wont make it!" tanjiro yelled. Then a blood blade went in for the attack, which he barely blocked. "Miss, Hinatsuru." Tanjiro said. "Don't worry about me. I'll hide for now. Just focus on winning!" She said, as belt flew toward her from behind. "Look out!" Tanjiro yelled, as him and Zenitsu protected her.

Daki laughed. "I can see that your movements are getting more and more sluggish. I wonder which one of you will be the first to fall apart?" Daki asked. Inosuke charged her. "Inosuke! This demons neck is too soft to cut normally. It's going to take a lot of speed! Other wise.. we'll have to slice from multiple directions!" Tanjiro yelled too him. Inosuke had a moment of realization. "Y/N, air support!" Tanjiro yelled. Y/N nodded, and growled. "Oh, dont think im forgetting about you. That blast of your was just a fluke." Daki said, making more belts and sent them at Y/N. Y/N barrel rolled, and dodged the attacks. He fired a blast, and daki dodged. "Oh, what do we have here. A little helper?" She asked. Y/N looked down, as the belts moved, and went for his tail. Crap. He flipped around, and put his paws on the ground. Pushing himself up, onto a roof, pulling his legs up,and pushing off with a flap of his wings. The belts crashing into the building, chasing him through the air. Daki, turned her head back, and focused on the three.

Inosuke had a plan. And Zenitsu and Tanjiro were getting him the opening. "Now Inosuke!" Tanjiro yelled. The two blocked another attack, as Inosuke bulked up his muscles. "Beast breathing, 8th form. Explosive Rush!" He yelled, rushing toward Daki as the belts kept attacking the three. Tanjiro blocking belts. "Water breathing, 3rd form..." Tanjiro said. "Thunder breathing, 1st form.." Zenitsu said, and they performed there forms, blocking belts from Inosuke. Inosuke yelled, as the two had gotten him closer, and kept the way clear for Insouke. Daki sent belts, and cut Inosuke a couple times. She was confused from his strategy. Inosuke lifted his swords, and dodged another belt and he hit both sides of dakis neck. Inosuke started started to rub his bladed back and forth, like bread knifes. Dakis head, was cut off and Inosuke jumped and grabbed her head ,and started running away.

"I got her head! I got her head! Im gonna take it far away so she can't stick it back on!" He yelled. Dakis belts attacked Inosuke from behind, he dodged and kept running. "Dragon! Let's fly this demons head to the moon!" Inosuke yelled. Y/N had been circling, and turned and went down to go grab Inosuke. Tanjiro, went looking for Mr. Uzui. "Let me go!" Daki yelled, and moved her hair to attack him. Y/N got level with the roof tops, and was getting closer to Inosuke. Inosuke cut her hair. And kept running. He laughed out loud. "Is that all you got? Man you suck now." He said. "What did you say?" Daki asked. "You may not die when your head is cut off, but you're so damn weak, you might as well be dead." He said. Y/N jumped off of a roof, and was going to grab Inosuke.

Y/N saw a flash, and his eyes widened. From behind him. Gyutaro stabbed him in the back, with blood coming out of Inosukes boar head. Gyutaro switched his gaze to Y/N, who got massive chills down his spine, and wings. Pull up! Pull up! He moved his wings, and slowly began to go up, at a left bank. Gyutaro took out his sickle, and daki used her hair to grab into his wrist. Gyutaro, noticed Y/ns tail. He went in for the slice, aiming for his remaining one. Im not letting demons take away my ability to fly! Damn it!! In a breath, Y/N rolled over, and Gyutaro slashed Y/N's prospects, breaking it.

Tanjiro had a look of horror on his face, and he looked over to Mr. Uzui who's left hand was cut off, still holding onto his blade. "Tanjiro! Look out!!!" He heard from Zenitsu, and looked back. The belts were coming from where dakis body was, and a red glow. Then, multiple buildings in the area where slashed into pieces. As tanjiro fell off of the building. He took all the blame to himself.

Y/N lost control, and fell crashing into buildings. Flipping around, and receiving cuts and scrapes from the wood. This is different. Though, he was a higher rank... all he did was push me back to get away. The sun was coming up. But this...... this is the dead of night. Where they have plenty of time, to kill.

(Yeah, shorter chapter. But, i didnt want to cram all of the absolute amazing shit we see into the final fight into this one. And we'll see Y/N have his moment. Don't you worry. I hope i do a good job in the next episode. Theres just so much awesomeness, it's gonna be hard to try to convey that through words. How detailed should i be? How does one translate the sheer force of paid animators into readable words. How does one do that? How?? No seriously, how? Opens google "hows doth one write, absolute unbridled action?" Anyway, see you guys. And I'll give it my best shot.

Does it in two paragraphs. God i hope not. I need to use big words. Speak like how the for fathers spoke. Should i write it in Yoda speek? I need help. Send help. Send tanjiro, he'll listen to my feelings. Okay. Bye.)

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