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Over the next couple days, Y/N just spent time sleeping. If anything, he kinda missed being at his old home. The change in the mood, and how it felt to be there now really made him feel nostalgic to how it felt before Muzan's attack. It was also refreshing to be with Mr. Murmasa and Akeno. While he was just at the hidden world, this is the home he new. And the family he'd come to really know.

Though, his crow was still with him. Y/n basically on stand by until tanjiro was fully healed and ready to start doing missions again. Courtesy of the Master. His crow would be gone a lot of the time. But it had come back about 4 days later, informing Y/n that tanjiro and his friend Inosuke had started their  rehabilitation training. And had suggested Y/n would do the same.

"Well then. You ready to try some training? I don't even know how you did your training in the first place. But maybe you can try to do what you did then?" Akeno asked. Y/N pondered for a second. He looked out to the forest and fields below. Well... some of the dragons have some abilities that could prove to be some good training. But maybe i can go back for some more training on my breathing techniques.

Y/N requested the help of Kaina, who got the help of some of her Nadder friends. They all went to a clearing not to far from the mountain. All of the nadders surrounded Y/N. He figured out quickly how they intend to train him. Kaina blasted fire at him, and he dodged out of the way. Her blast was just the beginning. The nadders all took to the air, and began to attack Y/N. He couldn't attack back. Just dodge.

This worked on his reaction time, agility, and hearing. Listening to the sounds of there spines opening to attack. They all dove down and bit at him. Throwing there spines at him. The clearing floor was becoming littered with the spines, making it hard for Y/N to find clear spots for his footing. Kaina watched him start to get a little worried. He kept his tail fin folded in. And was really trying not to fire back. "Stop! Hold your fire!" She yelled, and everyone stopped and hovered. Y/N stopped, and took a breath. "I dont think this will work Y/N. I dont want to render you flightless." Kaina said. "But, im getting good training in." Y/N yelled back. "I dont care. Im not gonna hurt my friend. You'll find a new way to get your strength back. Your a night fury for crying out load." Kaina said. Y/N huffed, and looked himself over. He had a couple of small scraped. Which while he felt pushed to really dodge there fire. He couldn't help but agree with kaina. "Okay. You guys go on ahead. I'll see you back at the mountain." Y/N said, and the nadders flew back.

He stomped on the ground. He felt torn. Tanjiro was really beat up when he saw him. And he needs to be able to hold his own agasint demons. While being a dragon is one thing. Muzan Kibutsuji is another.

He made his way back to the mountain, and sat down by the feeding area pondering. Thinking about how to go about this training. But, he couldn't come up with some training regiment. Hes a dragon. Not a human. So, maybe he needs to go about it in a dragon like way. Maybe he doesn't need to think so much.

Y/N spent the day resting again. Koega patched up his little scrapes. It felt harder to figure out what to do, but again. Maybe he doesn't really need to plan things out.

The next day, Akeno had another spare tail for Y/N. She was still working on his new saddle. She wasnt ready for the final part. Getting Y/ns scales. But, she was close. Y/N got his new spare on. "Don't go too far. I'll need you back by tonight to finish up the saddle." Akeno said. Y/N nudged her, thanking her for the tail. He went out to the opening of the mountain, and jumped into the air. The updraft catching his wings. He took in a breath, and pushed his way though the air.

He got up a good altitude, with the clouds right above him. He looked down to the land below. The borders of the roads, farming fields and woods popping out. The difference in color of the crops. He could see it all. He turned his way to the demon slayer headquarters. The thought of running into Shinobu knotted his stomach. But maybe seeing tanjiro would be nice. And get some sort of idea on what to do.

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