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It had been months since I last saw Levi around the mansion

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It had been months since I last saw Levi around the mansion. I had been busy working here, often taking over when my mother needed a break. Curious, I asked Evelyn about Levi's absence. She informed me that he was away undergoing training to become the COO of the Arías company.

I thought I'd feel happy or relieved that he wasn't around to bother me or ruin my day. But instead, I felt...sad.

It dawned on me that I might be developing feelings for him, though it's complicated because I'm also drawn to the masked man, despite his insults. Having feelings for two people at once seems impossible, which is why I chose to ignore them both.

I had been deceiving my boss with a random lie about having chickenpox, a highly contagious illness. Despite his suspicions, he let me go because he was dealing with personal issues. Later, I overheard from a colleague that his bank account had been hacked.

He only deserved it.

Even when I try to ignore Levi, I can't shake the feeling that he's watching me. It's either my intuition playing tricks on me or I'm starting to lose it. Every now and then, I feel this urge to glance over my shoulder just to reassure myself, but the thoughts keep nagging at me relentlessly.

I huffed impatiently and rang the bell of Mr. Diaz's luxurious apartment. I waited for what felt like an eternity for him to answer the door. The guards, imposing and thorough, searched me meticulously for any potential threats before allowing me entry. My identity card was always scrutinized before I could visit him, a necessary formality in this tightly secured environment.

The door swung open, revealing Ivàn in a black tank top that draped loosely over his chest, hinting at the contours of his muscles like shadows cast by moonlight. His dark grey basketball shorts clung to his legs, while his sweat-drenched skin glistened like raindrops on glass. His hair, usually slicked back, was now tousled and unruly, adding to his rugged appearance.


"Hello Ivàn, how are you doing?" I greeted him cheerfully, but he just grunted in response. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his typical gruffness. Stepping into the apartment, I was immediately struck by its elegance. It was a penthouse with expansive windows that offered breathtaking views of Madrid. The spacious living area was tastefully decorated with modern furniture and art pieces, creating an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication.

"Make yourself at home."

I saw him walking back to the kitchen, making up some things for us to eat.

Ivàn invited me to his penthouse to teach him pottery of all things. I was surprised by his sudden interest in such a creative pursuit. I tried to pry some information from him, curious about why he wanted to learn, but he didn't divulge a single detail. His intentions remained a mystery to me.

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