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Maria and Noah spent the next few days constantly together, yet without a word to say to one another. Will and I would see them around the resort, looking miserable and not even looking at each other. I tried to speak to her but I still had no clue what had gone on and I was too afraid to ask. So we kept to ourselves lounging around the pool and going to the local towns to explore.

It was only on our final day that Maria asked if she could join us for dinner that evening.
The three of us gathered around a table by the beach at sunset.

"Everything good with you and Noah?" I asked, while stabbing a tomato with my fork.

"Don't talk to me about that jackass! I just want to spend some time with people I can actually stand." She dropped her fork to the table, taking a long drink of her wine.

"Message received! We can feel the love, thank you" my eyebrows raised, looking over at Will.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a dick. I just don't want to be around him any longer, he said some shit and I'd rather forget it." She sighed, sitting back.

"I can leave you two alone, if you want to talk in private?" Will started to stand.

"Absolutely not, sit!" Maria ordered. "You're not the problem, honestly." Will sat back down slowly.

"Well, look, you're gonna have to at least give us some idea of what went on then. Do I hate him too now?" I folded my arms sitting back.

"Y - no! I don't want to make shit awkward with you two, you've got the collab. I just don't want to be around him ever again."

"Did he cheat on you? Because I'll nail his dick to a wall." I pointed at her using my knife.

"I know you would and thank you, but no he didn't. I think he realised we're totally different people and he has other expectations for the woman he wants to be with."

"He told you, he'd rather be with someone else?" I couldn't even try to control my facial expressions anymore, I must have looked disgusted.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Jesus" Will muttered, picking at his food.

"So you're over, I assume?" I asked.

"Big time!" She huffed a laugh. "Honestly though, it's my fight and I'm a big girl. Don't you go burning bridges." She finished the rest of her wine. "Hows stuff with you two?"

Will and I just stared at each other for a moment. Now was not the time to tell her how tremendous things were with us.

"Yeah we're good! You know us, just hanging around" I cringed at my own words.

"You can actually tell me, I'm not going to cry or smash anything." She laughed "don't turn me into a pariah."

"We're great, but she's been worried about you." Will smiled affectionately at Maria.

I reached for his hand under the table, this man was fucking perfect.

"I'm a tough cookie, I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me" she stroked my arm with a soft smile.

We spent the evening watching the sunset and drinking wine, Maria seemed in a better mind frame when we said goodnight, relieved to be going home tomorrow.


Bad Omens would be in New York for a few days for a show, which we had also utilised to record the song. Will had gone home, so I needed the distraction. I had nothing but time on my hands, boredom filled every corner of my existence. I was just waiting for the call to get down to the studio, so when it came I was there within the hour.

Two Intertwining Melodies  (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now