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It had been a few blissful days, I tagged along with Will everywhere he went, even boring shit like running to the store was fun with him.
The longer I spent with him, the harder I knew it was going to be to go back to New York.
My apartment wasn't my sanctuary anymore, rather a place for me to count down to seeing him again. I lived in some kind of sick purgatory.
If you had told me a few months before, this is how I'd be acting, I'd have laughed in your face.
I didn't need anyone.

We stood in his kitchen cooking dinner with music playing in the living room. I had never felt more at peace in my life, he calmed every ounce of my being. I was overcome with emotion suddenly knowing I'd have to leave any day soon, without warning I burst into tears.

"Hey, hey come on. What's the matter?" He grabbed my arms and pulled me into him.

"I'm just being fucking stupid"

"Let me be the judge of that, what is it?"

"I'm just so happy, I don't know what to do with it all. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise to me! I'm glad you're happy here, I encourage it in fact! It's okay, what brought this on?"

"I know I can't stay forever and I'm gonna miss you the second I go back to New York."

"So, why go back?" He held me at arms length. "Stay here with me as long as you want."
His face was totally serious.

"You're gonna want your own space, I don't want to suffocate you."

"Suffocate me, I beg you" he laughed heartily. "I wouldn't say you can stay if I didn't mean it. I feel better with you here." I opened my mouth to ask if he was sure but he raised his hand "I'm deadly serious. If you need clothes we can do laundry, we can drive over to your place, whatever. I haven't got plans tomorrow."

"I wouldn't mind going to mine and grabbing some different clothes"

"Then we'll do that, we could go tonight and stay over if you want?"

"And you're sure you don't mind?"

"I wouldn't offer if I did. You're welcome here whenever you want, as long as you want. Let's eat this and we'll set off. Go sit down, I'll bring your food in."


We took Will's car, he drove and I was the DJ. I felt like I was a teenager again with my first love, we sang along to songs all the way there and played the license plate game. I don't think I'll ever get over how fortunate I am to have this man in my life. He made me feel so at ease, when in the past I had been made to feel like nothing more than a burden. The drive flew by and before I knew it we were pulling into the apartment building's garage.

I showered and got into my PJs, joining Will under a blanket on the couch.

"Why don't you leave some stuff at my place? I'll make some space in my closet, then you can just get in the car and come over." His arm lay around my shoulders, I turned to look at him.

"You're the best man I've ever met, do you know that?"

"It's the least I can do for you, the bare minimum in fact. Bring some of your nice shower stuff too, whatever you want."

I laid my head on his shoulder "Thank you, I don't want to fill your place with my shit though."

"I'm telling you to, surround me with your shit! It gives you a reason to drop in more often too. I want you to have your own comforts when you stay, bring whatever you'll need. We'll call at the mall tomorrow and buy you a toothbrush and stuff to keep at mine."

Two Intertwining Melodies  (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now