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On next to no sleep, we arrived in New Jersey.
The ride to Will's wasn't too long, when he went to unlock the door, he stopped. He must have felt the same apprehension I had at my apartment.
"Just remember, I'm a dude living alone, I didn't expect this to happen" his fingers flicked backwards and forwards gesturing to us both "I don't know what fresh hell we're about to walk into. My neighbour's been calling in to feed Bobbi and Dusti but that's it"
"You have no need to explain yourself, let me in!" I held his arm giving him a light shove. Laughing he unlocked the door and led me inside.

It was actually clean for a guys apartment, I was impressed.
Within seconds the cats appeared at his feet "my babys! Hello, did you miss me?" He was crouched scratching both of their heads.

"See! Thats what I want when I get home!"

"Fish breath in your face?" He grimaced a little but continued showering the cats with affection.

He stood after a moment and showed me around, it was bigger than my place and totally oozed his personality. I felt comfortable immediately, I left my suitcase in his bedroom and found him in the kitchen giving out treats to Dusti and Bobbi.

"I'm starving, shall we order some lunch in?" he scrolled on his phone then handed it to me. "Wherever you want to get from is good with me."

We spent the day watching films again, horror this time. I was cuddled into him under a blanket, with the cats perched on top of us.

Never in my wildest fantasies would I have imagined being here with him. Sometimes I forget just who he is, two weeks ago he was just a guy in one of my favourite bands. Now he's one of the most important people in my life.
A feeling hit me like a freight train all of a sudden, I think he's my home now. He's my source of comfort, I feel like I belong when I'm with him. In just over a week he'd shown me more care and consideration than some people had shown me in a lifetime. In 12 days, I had fallen absolutely head over heels in love with him. It didn't feel like it had been such a short amount of time though.
We've met before, I'm certain of it. I've known him in every lifetime and I believe I'll find him in every lifetime to come.

I rested my chin on my fist, gazing up at him in sheer wonder of how I got to be so lucky.
He side eyed me "you good?" He chuckled a little.

"Never better" I couldn't help the stupid smile that spread over my face.

"Only, a girl just got sawn in half and you're grinning like the Cheshire Cat" he raised an eyebrow in concern.

"I promise you, my attention was solely on you" he kissed the top of my head.

"I can turn this off if you're not into it? It is a bit, over the top"

"Nah, we're good" I wriggled closer into his side and he passed me the joint we were sharing. "Takes more than that to frighten me" I laughed taking a drag

"So what does frighten you?" He turned a little to get a better look at me.

"I'm not a fan of bugs or the dark"

"Who is?!" He laughed "so that's all?"

"That's all." I nodded taking another drag "What about you?"

"Not much. You scare me a little, in a good way though." He grinned.

"I frighten you?" My eyebrows furrowed as I passed the joint back to him "how so?"

"Not so much you, but what I'd do for you" he brushed my hair from my face.

"In that case, you frighten me too." I leaned up, he closed the distance as we shared a gentle kiss. "Seriously, give me names and I'll kill someone for you" I huffed a laugh through my nose.

Two Intertwining Melodies  (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now