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Festival season was upon us yet again, it always filled me with nostalgia, thinking back to meeting Will for the first time. I thanked my lucky stars everyday that we were brought together and I married the love of my life.
We were extremely lucky to be booked for the same events, meaning Will and I wouldn't have to miss each other. We all flew from Newark airport to Vegas, arriving the morning before Sick New World started.
Our first stop was rehearsals, I never tired of seeing the huge stage with not a single soul around, the vast empty space was always a bizarre sight.
Now this year, we weren't just a standard act, oh no, we'd made our way to headliner! I thought it might cause tension between myself and Will, true to his character though he was proud of us. If I've said it once, I'll say it a million times, that man is like no other.

Alex stood with his phone in hand, googling the other bands performing at the festival, when his face broke into a big daft smile - we knew who he would be keeping his eyes peeled for. Despite being so close to Slaughter to Prevail on many occasions over the years, our Alex was still yet to meet the Terrible one. A fact that we liked to tease him with at every given opportunity, Will and I had still kept our silence about our run in with him. In fact, we'd now bumped into him a few times.
Will and the guys rehearsed first, then we followed. About half way through practicing our set I spotted Will talking with Alex the Terrible, I looked towards our Alex and his eyes were as wide as plates. His target was in sight. Elijah looked at me, his lips pressed together to stop from laughing at his boyfriend's obvious dismay at being stuck on stage.

Our set finished and Alex was gone before the rest of us had even turned to leave stage. When we caught up with him in the vacant space for the audience he was almost breaking his neck looking around.

"Where'd he go, man?" He asked Will, sounding desperate.

"They've already ran through their set, dude. I'm sorry." His hand rested on Alex's shoulder.

"He's gone?!" he huffed and sulked like a displeased child.

"Tomorrow, catch him tomorrow." Will turned his attentions to me "you were spectacular, well done baby." His lips met mine with his arm tight around my waist. Even after all these years, he still gave me butterflies.

Maria cleared her throat to get our attention. "Can we talk to you guys?" Oli stood beside her, an unreadable look on his face.
We found a secluded spot near the food stalls and sat.

"So, we wanted to tell you earlier, we just didn't get chance. We don't want to announce it to the world quite yet but" she took a shaky breath. "I'm pregnant."

"That's fucking brilliant! Congratulations!" Will stood up and hugged them both. I mirrored his actions.

I was over the moon for them both, they'd wanted this for a while now. "How far along are you?" I peeked to look for any sign of a bump.

"Three months, barely" Maria beamed with joy. "So we want to tell the guys, we just wanted to gauge your reactions first."

"They'll be overjoyed for you! You don't have to worry about them" I laughed

"Well, you say that but we've spoke about what we want to do when the baby's born." Maria looked very serious. "We want to take a break, get into the routine of being a family. We plan on taking a year off. As long as I don't have a complicated pregnancy, I'll tour until the contractions start."

My brows furrowed. "Both of you? A year?" My eyes darted between the two of them. Will nudged me lightly with his elbow.

Oli put his arm around Maria "We know it isn't what you guys want, to put the brakes on the band, especially right now-"

Two Intertwining Melodies  (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now