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Christmas was fast approaching, we all took a few weeks off to enjoy the holidays. The only problem being that I was torn between being with Will and his family or spending time with the band, which I'd done for the past few years.
A feeling of heaviness surrounded me when I brought up the subject of holiday plans with the guys. There was no need, they were all going to visit family this year.

"We all figured you and Will would be doing your own thing, so we may as well all go home." Alex shrugged.

Maria grinned at me "my Mom can't wait to have me home for Christmas. She's bought us all matching Jammies."

I immediately felt lighter, not having to make the choice.

"Are you nervous to meet his family for the first time?" Oli asked, picking at his food.

The heaviness returned, I'd never even considered that I'd have to play the role of the perfect girlfriend. I stared at Oli with a horrified expression.

"So, yes" he laughed heartily "don't sweat it. You'll be fine, I'm meeting Maria's parents and look at me. Not a worry in my noggin."

"There never is" I muttered.

Will and I spent Christmas Eve watching festive movies and singing along to Christmas music while we finished wrapping presents. I'd never been more excited for Christmas than I was with him, realising this was how it would be from now on, I felt whole. He span me around as we danced to Fairytale of New York, both laughing like children.

"I'm so glad you're spending the holidays with me, my Mom can't wait to meet you." He smiled, brushing hair from my face as we swayed together.

"Me too, I'm really nervous though. What if she doesn't like me?" I began biting the inside of my lip.

"She's gonna love you, because I love you. She already knows everything about you she needs to know. Don't worry seriously, everything's gonna be fine, sweetheart." He kissed my forehead gently.

He was right. When we arrived his Mom literally welcomed me with open arms, we exchanged gifts and she seemed to love what I'd got for her. I let my guard down and relaxed, getting involved in their family traditions. Our dinner was delicious and when we left we were sent home with plenty of leftovers. The car ride home was short but full of laughter, it was obvious we were both on cloud nine, the day couldn't have been better.

I came out of the shower, filled to the brim with love and contentment, my life was truly incredible. I smiled to myself in the mirror, I was the luckiest woman alive, I pulled on my pyjamas with reindeers all over them and walked out to the living room. Will was sat on the edge of the couch, he turned to face me with a smile from ear to ear, his dimples highlighted by the candlelight. My heart fluttered.

"You're so fucking gorgeous, you know that right?" I shook my head in disbelief of him.

"You happen to tell me quite often" he huffed a laugh through his nose "and you're spectacular, I'm a lucky bastard." His hand held the back of my neck as his lips met mine. "I've got another gift for you by the way."

"You didn't have to, you've given me enough" I protested.

He shook his head and pulled something from behind a throw pillow. He took a deep breath before he opened his hand, a little velvet box in his palm. My heart hammered against my chest. He opened it and the most stunning silver ring glistened at me, the band crafted into a vine with leaves adorning it, holding a tear shaped emerald in the centre.

"I'm sorry it's not what you might think, it's a promise ring." His eyes met mine "A promise that I'll love you for the rest of my days, I'll always protect you and never hurt you. I am gonna marry you one day, we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together and when we're both gone, I'll find you in our next lives."

Two Intertwining Melodies  (Will Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now