It's been a week since the entrance ceremony. Today was a day like any other. I woke up early, ate a small breakfast, jogged, got ready for school, and went.
Ike: Hey Yamauchi!
Yamauchi: Hey Ike!
What's got those two so excited? They usually show up right as the bell rings, not only are they early. They're excited.
Yamauchi: Man I was so excited I couldn't sleep a wink last night!
Ike: Yeah man! I can't wait for swim class!
Ah, swim class. That's why they're so excited. I don't really care for swimming all that much.
Ike: Hey Ayanokoji come here!
Ayanokoji: Huh? Oh okay...
Ayanokoji went over to them.
Ike: Okay so... Truth is we're gonna bet on the girl's boob sizes, who's your bet?
I don't wanna sound like a white knight here but WHAT THE FUCK?! Did he seriously just say that so loudly?
Ayanokoji: Uh...
Yamauchi: Come on man! It's harmless fun! Who else wants in?
"I'm in!"
"I have experience in watching girl's boobs!"
Did he seriously just say that..? Why would you openly admit to a near full class, that you have experience being a pervert?
It also isn't harmless fun. It's straight-up sexual harassment. Also, these guys do realize every single girl is here right now right? All of them just heard that. Including the fact one of you has experience watching girl's boobs, and for some reason sounded proud of it.
Ike and Yamauchi looked around and began collecting everyone's bets. This shit is disgusting.
I seriously don't understand them. Do they have such limited brain capacity that they can't tell that every single girl heard everything they were saying?
Horikita: Why do you seem so nervous? Don't tell me you are secretly planning to bet on the girls.
Jack: No that's not it. I just don't like swimming that much.
Horikita: Why?
Jack: It's boring. I'd rather play soccer.
Horikita: You seem rather obsessed with soccer.
Jack: Maybe.
She didn't respond.
It was time for swim class. Ayanokoji and I walked side by side to the pool. As we were walking I decided to talk to him about something.
Jack: Ayanokoji, you really shouldn't get involved with Ike and Yamauchi.
Ayanokoji: How come?
Jack: You don't seem like a pervert, so hanging around them will only make others think you're a pervert, thus making it harder to make more friends. So it's better if you just stay away. They also don't seem like the most intellectual company.
I said this as I looked at Ike and Yamauchi as they talked loudly about how excited they were to see boobs.
Ayanokoji: I guess you're right. How come you didn't say anything earlier?

The American Elite (COTE X OC)
FanficJack White is a 16 year old boy from New York. Growing up he only had his best friend to keep him from going off the deep end, but when his best friend is killed by gang violence... He becomes depressed, this combined with his abusive father made hi...