Defective Children

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It was May 1st. I was hoping something would change and it would get easier to focus. Unfortunately, it seems I jinxed it because things changed a bit more than I would've wanted.

I expected we wouldn't get 100,000 points again but I didn't expect 0. Well, to be fair we definitely don't deserve any points. But I thought they would still give us like 10,000 just to live on. Although there as those free items in the store and it's not a stretch to imagine there are also free items in the cafeteria so, I guess you can live off 0 points. It won't be a very dignified existence but you'll definitely live.

I went through my usual morning routine and went to school.

On the way there I could sense the atmosphere was dreary. People from all classes seemed different. They all seemed pretty confused, especially my class. When I entered my class they were all talking about how they got no points.

"You didn't get any either?"

"No. Did no one get any points?"

"You think they're delayed?"

I respect them holding out hope but they are almost certainly not delayed and we lost all our points. When I sat down I began playing chess like usual. I have over 200,000 points so I don't have to worry about points for a while. Plus I'll start getting points when the soccer club begins playing tournaments and official matches. We'll get points depending on how far we go in a tournament and our match ratings.

Ayanokoji was the same as always. He had that same blank apathetic expression on his face. Horikita was pretty much the same but I could definitely tell she was uneasy.

Kushida and Hirata tried calming everyone down but it was clear even they were confused and didn't know what was going on.

I'm surprised no one else has realized it. When I saw we got no points, I was pretty surprised at first sure, but I was able to put the pieces together fairly quickly. Now that I think about it, students from Class A didn't appear surprised or uneasy at all. At least the ones I saw.

Ayanokoji: What do you think is going on Jack?

Ayanokoji spoke while I was in a chess game. I casually kept playing while responding.

Jack: We're boutta find out for sure but I imagine we lost all our points because of our behavior.

I noticed that Ayanokoji seemed a bit interested in what I said. I don't know though all he did was slightly lean forward, he very well could have just been getting comfortable in his chair.

Ayanokoji: What makes you say that?

After mulling it over I figured that the only plausible reason for the teachers to allow such poor behavior was because it was a test. I couldn't think of any other reason why.

Before I could answer him, however, the door opened and Chabashira walked in looking even more stern than usual. She also had a rolled-up piece of paper. I thankfully had just ended my chess game and I put my phone away.

Ike: Hey Sae-chan-sensei did you start menopause or something?



Did he just actually say that? Bro just straight-up committed sexual harassment towards his teacher during class. His lack of shame is beyond comprehension.

Chabashira: Alright class your morning homeroom is about to begin, before that does anyone have any questions?

Yeah, this is definitely a test. She knows damn well we have questions. Why else would she ask that on today of all days?

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