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I want what I can't have.

Reaching for something that's so far.

Far enough to rip my arms apart.

Maybe my arms aren't strong enough.

I don't know.

Maybe my arms aren't the right length.

Maybe my arms are weaker than others.

There are always excuses.

Negative excuses.

Maybe I am reaching for something that's not even there.

Reconnecting something that's been broken is not my intention.

I know they try.

I can see it.

It's too late though.

I mean why now?

When I am at my strongest.

When I am at my peak.

When I am at peace.

it's agitating.

Seeing them ask, explain and listen.

I was begging.

Now I am not, and you want to tell me things I needed to hear years ago?

save it please.

Shut the fuck up and stop treating me like a fucking patient.

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