Part 2 Epilogue

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Part 2 Epilogue

Mason's POV

A little over two years had past since the New Order took over the Lands. It was a seamless transition. We began at the First and Second Academies and then the Third quickly followed. Only the Fourth remained by hiding behind the largest mountains in the Lands. It was impossible to get past them while the students of the Academy were hiding in the mountains to ward everyone off.

"Mason," a voice called sending shivers down my spine. I sat up from my seat facing the sunset and turned to look at the Master. The first time I had seen him I thought that everything was a joke. After all, that man couldn't be the one who was planning this takeover for years. It made no sense. Only after an explanation did it all make sense.

"Yes Sir?" I asked.

"What do you think of that rebellion in the Western Lands?"

"Oh, that silly uprising? They're just attacking small towns and villages in the West. They don't have nearly enough people to actually challenge us, right?"

"Not yet they don't." I turned to glare at Karel who was slouched against the wall by the doorway. I didn't notice when he snuck in. "They are gathering more people every day. Rumor has it they are hiding in the mountains near the First Academy."

"So why don't we just send some of those stationed in the First to wipe them out?"

"True, but we don't know where they are in the mountains. The mountains in the first aren't as large as those surrounding the Fourth, but the creatures lurking in those mountains are just as dangerous as Dragons."


"Maybe if you paid attention during class you would know that." I clenched my fist and glared at Karel.

"Easy Karel. Know your place," Master told him. I smiled knowing the Master had taken my side. "So Mason. Have you heard all of the rumors surrounding the rebellion?"

"I'm afraid not sir."

"They say the Metallic Warriors are led by the Silver Rider and Golden Dragon. Reports say the duo have become legendary heroes with tales reaching even those all the way at the Third Academy. Still think it's just a silly uprising?"

"If they were actually strong, they would have challenged us already. It's been six months since they began their crusade. If they still do not have enough people to challenge us, then they never will." Master nodded.

"That's enough for now. I'll be heading to frontlines to see how the siege of the Fourth Academy is going. I should be back in a few days. Karel, let's go." Karel nodded and followed Master out the door. I breathed a sigh of relief as he left. He always gave me the goosebumps whenever he spoke to me.  Joseph was nothing like Headmaster, no matter how much they looked alike.

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