Chapter 16: Mason's POV

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Chapter 16: Mason's POV

“Did you find anything?” I asked once everyone was together.  Grace, Karel and Evan sat on their Dragons Anastasia, Frey and Hadrian.  The rain was starting to lighten up after the freak storm that had quickly appeared.  Hopefully they found more than Jericho and I had before the rain washed away all of her traces.  I would not let that freak get away.  I may admit I liked her once, but that was when we were like five, and I had not yet found Jericho.  Soon after I found out that I would most likely be a Warrior, I distanced myself from Valerie.  After a while, the five of us including Austin started to taunt the Dragon-less Riders.  We were better than them, and they knew it.  Soon, only that freak remained without a Dragon.  I always knew that she would be a disappointment.

“Anastasia found her blood.  A lot of it.”  Grace answered.

“Well, we did screw her up pretty bad last time we saw her,” Evan said.  We all laughed.  I remembered it clearly. We would leave before we could do any serious damage, and we never let our Dragons play.  They would ruin the fun.

Which is so not fair. Jericho’s voice echoed in my head.

Easy, Jericho.  You will have your chance to play, just not on the freak girl.  She’s finally out of our lives.  He laughed silently.

“It wasn’t that.  There was a heck of a lot of it under one of the trees.  A few branches were broken.  I’m sure she fell, and by the amount of blood, there is no way she is alive.”  Grace said.  I smiled.

“Good.  Now we don’t have to chase her down anymore.  We were going to end it today anyways.  She was just too stupid and got herself killed.”  I snickered.

“That wasn’t part of the plan though,” Karel said quietly.

“So what?” I snapped.  “What would we actually do with her?  I’m just glad that we don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

“But, if she is dead, where is her body?  I want to take that stupid rock and bash her head in with it.”  Evan growled.  Evan was closest to Austin, and so he carried the most animosity towards Valerie.  Sure, I believed it was an accident, but He told us what to do.  He told us to lie and say that she did it on purpose because she was jealous of us.  Convincing the Council was incredibly easy, but one look at the Headmaster and I knew he knew.  That is why He said that Headmaster has to go first.  I don’t want to hurt the old man, but He insisted we had to get rid of Him.  The four of us were trying to decide what to do with Headmaster in the meantime.

“Easy, Evan.”  I said.  “I’m sure we all wish we could do things with her, but now is not the time.  We must tell the Council of our findings.  If they ask, we found her and killed her swiftly.  She did not suffer because we decided to show her mercy.”  He said that we need to keep up an act, make them believe we could be trusted.  We still had a year until the marks of the Warriors show, so until then, we need to make them believe that we were the real deal, which of course, no one could beat us.  Now that Valerie is out of the equation, it makes it so much easier.  I don’t get what was so important about eliminating her in the first place.  I said we should just take that stupid rock she carried around all the time, but He told us that she needed to die.

“I agree with Evan on one thing though, Mason.” Karel said.  My head whipped around to face him.  Karel was normally very quiet, but he was always contradicting me when I was decided something.  It always ticked me off.  “I think we should at least locate her body.  What if it turns out that she is alive?  What will the Council think?”  Karel said.  I knew that we should too, but then I felt the whispers of His voice in my mind paired with the massive headache.

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