Chapter 3.6

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Chapter 3.6

The sun was beginning its descent behind the mountains as the three of us laid along the bank of the lake. Charlie had given us a basket of bread and soup, and we had a little relaxing dinner after a quick swim. It felt so nice to finally be able to relax out in the open. Lying down and looking up at the sky caused the tension to just melt off my body. Other members of our group would come to the lake for a quick swim and to relax, but now it was just the three of us.

"I needed this," I said and closed my eyes as I enjoyed the last bit of sun.

"Preach," Bates agreed. Liam just laughed.

"I can't wait for this all to be over," I said quietly.

"I need a mental break. It's hard being this intellectually gifted."

"What you need is an ego check," said Liam.

"Maybe. But it can wait until after this war is over. We need General Bates."

"Aw, you need me Liam?" Bates said and rolled over resting his head on his hands. He looked up at Liam and batted his eyes.

"And you ruined the moment." Bates laughed. "But we do need you. We need everyone if we want to get rid of the New Order."

"Which is why a certain someone should not get hurt so badly!" Bates said and looked at me.

"I was just unconscious for a week and broke an arm. At least it's not a bruised rib."

"Hey, I'm proud of my bruised rib! I survived getting whacked in the chest by a fully grown and armored Dragon tail!"

"I wish I could have seen that. I bet you went flying."

"Nearly across the courtyard."

"Better let Amber know you can fly by yourself now," I joked. Bates snorted and rolled back onto his back.

"Ugh!" He yelled loudly causing Liam and I to jump. "I don't wanna do anything, but I promised Headmaster that I would talk strategy with him. You know, he said that if I impress him, after this is all over, I can come work at the Academy."

"Really? That's amazing!" Bates nodded then snickered.

"You know, maybe I'll be your teacher! I'm gonna give you so much homework!"

"Not fair!"

"Please. If you give a bunch of homework, you'll have to grade it all."

"Very true, Liam. You're off the hook Val. I'm too lazy." We all laughed when Charlie appeared and ran up to us.

"A message for you Silver!" He said and handed me a slip of paper. Bates snatched it from my hands.

"I bet it's a love letter. Way to go Charlie!" Charlie's face turned beat red.

"I didn't write Silver a love letter! It came from the First Academy."

"If you say so," Bates said as he looked down and read the letter. "Huh. I guess you're right. Headmaster wants you to return to the Academy. Something about he wants you around the medics just in case."

"Well, today was just wonderful," I said as I slowly got up and stretched out. "And thanks for the dinner Charlie. No one makes soup as good as yours."

"Thanks Silver!" He said and ran off.

"I need to go relieve Petra soon anyway. See ya soon Val," Liam said and followed after Charlie leaving Bates and me.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"No, but maybe if I go now, I can sneak in and just find an empty room to sleep in."

The Golden Rider Book 1: The Golden TraitorWhere stories live. Discover now