Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I picked at my food as I waited for Aiden and Jacelyn to come in from their lesson.  Normally Dragon-Rider Combat took longer because the Riders had to stop and then help put away all of their Dragon’s stuff.  A lot of times I would wait in the stables to help Jacelyn take care of Thalia, but I just wasn’t in the mood.  Headmaster had found me during this block and had me try out the Dragon eggs.  Just like the guy in the market had said, none of the eggs were mine.  That meant that I keep looking after the rock.

Aiden came in looking completely disheartened while Jacelyn stormed in after him.  Both looked a little worn, and I had to laugh at their disgruntled appearance.  They headed to the table filled with different kinds of food and picked out their meals before coming to sit by me.

“Why the long faces?” I asked.

“Because Mason and his minions are back,” Aiden answered.

“What? But you said that they should be getting back sometime tomorrow!”

“I know, but apparently something happened and they had to turn around and come back.  They surprised everyone by appearing at the lesson.  They completely kicked everyone’s butts.” Jacelyn whined.

“Well, maybe these will cheer you guys up.”  I handed each of them their gifts I had bought for them.  Jacelyn squealed as she opened hers up.

“It’s so pretty!” she squealed and put it around her neck.  “Thanks Val!” Aiden quietly opened his gift.

“That’s from Greta’s shop.  If you put it on and the beads turn a certain color, apparently it increases your swordsmanship.”  Aiden smiled and slipped it on his wrist.  It looked very nice, and you could barely make out the yellow center of the beads.

“Well, how do you feel?” Jacelyn asked.

“The same,” he admitted.

“Well, I’m hoping to see you in Advanced Swords tomorrow,” Aiden blushed at Jacelyn’s comment.  “So, Val, tell us about Landile.  Why did you come back in the middle of the night?” I explained to them how I met “Doyle” and how I had to make my way through a crowded square.   I left out how I met the strange man who gave me the rock, and I told them about how rude Headmaster’s brother was.  Jacey begged me to know Headmaster’s real name, but I told her she had to wait until we graduate.  I also left out Greta’s death.  Instead, I told them that there was some kind of fight, and I just wanted to get out.

“Well, your days sounded fun.  We had to get back into working out mode.  I was so used to sleeping in past sunrise, and I almost passed out from exhaustion my first day back.  I was starting to think that maybe I should have come back earlier to get back into shape,” Jacelyn said.  “By the way, you were amazing in Swords today!  You were actually able to fend off Viktor.”  Aiden nearly spit out his sandwich.

“You were able to fight off Viktor?  Was he going all out?”

“Of course he was.  And she was able to last until he started the lesson.”

“Wow Val.  I can’t last like two seconds with him.”

“And he made the class practice this one move she used on him.”

“Well, I did have a lot of practice against him over the break.  I got used to his fighting style.”

“But still.  Viktor is probably the best swords master at this Academy.  This shows that the others better watch out who they pick on this year.”

“Ya, that’s if all they did was fight me with a sword.  Everyone else is still stronger and faster than me.”

“Not everyone Val.  You seriously need to stop putting yourself down.  You’re not as bad as you think you are.  Even without your Dragon you are one of the best here.  I’m going to be scared when you find yours.”  Aiden said.

The Golden Rider Book 1: The Golden TraitorWhere stories live. Discover now