My name is Brandon and today I am starting my first day at a school called canterlot high School and something tells this will be the best year ever.
A/N: what I'm wearing
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I can be seen standing in front of the school building
me: Wow it sure is big.
Me:Okay how about I approach them. I see a group of three.
Me: hello.
Girl#1: who are you.
Me:My name is Brandon and I am new here.
Girl#2: oh finally a new student my name is pinkie pie.
Girl#1:My name is twilight sparkle.
Me:Nice to meet you twilight I turn to the last girl what about you what's your name.
Girl#3: My name is Rarity
Me: It's nice meet you all well I'm going to keep exploring the school see you later girls.
They wave as I leave
Me: Well that was interesting.
I look up to see a beautiful girl walking towards me
???: hey
Me: (very nervous) Hi my name is Brandon how are you.
???: I'm.....fine so are you new here
Me: (still nervous)Yep yep first day hehe
???: Well nice to meet you my name is Sunset Shimmer I'm the class representative actually I have somewhere to be but I look forward to seeing you in class Brandon. She walks away
Me: yeah same here. She turn around the corner
Me: Wow she was so beautiful
???: That was harder to watch than the Madame web movie
Me: have you been standing there the whole time.
???: Yeah but not by choice this is usually where I hang out
Me: Well you could have just looked away
???: So you really like her huh
Me: uhh like who
???: Gwen stacy....I talking about sunset shimmer
Me: What no I don't like her
???: well the way you're looking right now tells me that you do