Chirithy: Brandon for your next world I want you to have this
Me: What is it
Chirithy: That is a heartbinder it allows you to summon whoever is on the heartbinder
Me: The symbol is a simmering sun I wonder who that could be
Chirithy: You should head to the next world
Me: Got it
I head through the Blue portal
I takes me to green hill zone
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Me: This place looks beautiful
I start walking around I find the chaos emerald on the ground
Me: That was easy
???: Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho
A fat guy in a flying mobile flies towards me
A bunch of robots surround
???: I am doctor robotnik now hand over the emerald
Me: I would rather call you Dr eggman and I won't be giving you this anytime soon
He presses a button and all the robots prepare to fire at me
Me: I think it's a good time to try out the heartbinder
I close my eyes reach deep within my heart and summon whoever is on the heartbinder suddenly a wall of fire surrounded me and a girl appeared in front of me I was so happy when I saw who it was. It was sunset but she looked different
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We released a big fire blast together and burned every robot to a crisp sunset winked at me then disappeared into the heartbinder
Me: I guess that's what a heartbinder does
When eggman saw that he flew away
Me: I should find the last one I think eggman has it
I eventually find eggman in a big mech fighting a blue hedgehog named sonic