Saving Sunset and new team(sad chapter)

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A few minutes before I got out of Sunset's nightmare

I was thinking about how to get rid of the nightmare in Sunset's heart

Me: Why would she let this happen

???: You still don't get it do you?

Me: Who's there?

???: My name is no concern to you but I am here to give you a little assistance in knowing why this happened

Suddenly everything was covered in white and I entered a white void

Me: Where am I?

???: This is a song I found by reaching deep into Sunset's heart to let you know how she's really feeling on the inside

Me: Okay I'll listen I want to know what happened

???: Very well here it is

A ghost version of Sunset in her old outfit appears in front of me

Ps. Read the words before watching the video

All of the following words are from the ghost version of Sunset

She started singing

Ghost Sunset: I never felt that it was wise to wish too much

To dream too big would only lead to being crushed

She opened her eyes and looked at me in the eyes

Then I met you you weren't afraid of anything

You taught me how to leave the ground and use my wings

I never thought a hero would ever come my way

But more than that I never thought you'd be taken away

I tear ran down her face

Now it's cold without you here

She pointed to her heart

It's like winter lasts all year

But your star's still in the sky

So I won't say goodbye

I don't have to say goodbye

My days of doubt were In the past with you around

You helped me feel I had a place direction found

You showed me that a greater dream can be achieved

And in that resolve we'll conquer all if we believe

The light you gave to guide me will never fade away

But moving forward has never felt as hard as today

Now it's cold without you here

It's like winter lasts all year

But your star's still in the sky

So I won't say goodbye

I don't have to say goodbye

When she finished her song her ghost version turned into dust in the wind And I wiped tears from my eyes

Me: I get it now when I first disappeared it weighed heavy on her she never got over it but why didn't she just talk to me?

???: Who knows why people carry the burdens they do

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