kingdom of corona

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We are in the gummi ship

Sunset: so why did we bring fluttershy this time

Me: Because Ruby said that she has some business to attend to and said she couldn't make it and besides Fluttershy wanted to come with us speaking of which how are you holding up back there flutters

Fluttershy: Oh I'm just fine but I want to go to a world where there's a big forest and cute bunnies

Me: well let's see where this gateway takes us

Fluttershy: okay let's go

We enter through the gateway

We can be seen walking through a forest

Me: well what do you know you were right fluttershy

Sunset: even though she was right why do you think it brought us here

Me: got me sunset but can we sweat it later

Pinkie: fine with me as long as there's no heartless

After she says that we hear someone yelling

???: aaaaaah oof

We turn around to see a man on the ground he looks up and starts running towards us

???: make way make way make way

He runs past us

Me: see you mention them and they show up

Pinkie: I didn't do it!

Me: don't worry we'll send these guys packing

???: hey it seems like you guys know what you're doing so why don't leave this to you

Me: yeah we got this go on skedaddle

???: you have my thanks phew the horse was enough don't need any monsters on my trail

Sunset: The what was enough?!

She says that feeling offended

???: oh nothing the names Flynn, Flynn Ryder

Flynn: oh look out they look mad

She turns her attention back to the heartless

Flynn: slowly slowly outta here

We start fighting

After the fight we take a breather

Me: so fluttershy how are you feeling after your first fight

Fluttershy: To be honest that was actually fun

Me: Yeah it always is

Me: Hey where did Flynn go

Pinkie: he did what you told him to do

Sunset: he skedaddled

Me: well we should look for him

We started looking for him we eventually find some vines

Pinkie: I don't think he's here

Me: well at least he got away safe right

I fall behind the vines

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