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We are traveling in the gummi ship
Me: How are we supposed to get there

Me: How are we supposed to get there

Sunset: what I thought you knew

Pinkie: Didn't celestia say that Brandon should trust the guidance his heart gives

I stand up and think for a minute

Sunset: well

Me: sorry I got nothing what'd you expect

Pinkie: may your heart be your guiding key

Me huh what's that

Pinkie: Princess celestia said that before we left

Me: really

I look at sunset

Me: ring any bells?

She shakes her head

Pinkie: maybe I just imagined it

Me: May my heart be my guiding key got it

I summon my keyblade and open a gateway to Olympus

Pinkie, sunset, and Ruby: It's a gate

Me: alright Olympus here we come

We got through the gate

We take in our surroundings

I turn to Ruby

Me: see anything

She shakes her head

me: Don't worry we'll find him but we need to go

Sunset: Up the mountain

Me: yeah up is the usual direction

Ruby: Well it can't hurt to have your head in the clouds

Me: exactly

We started walking towards the mountain wall

Sunset sighs and shakes her head with her eyes closed

Me: hey we're leaving

Sunset catches up to us
We started walking around

Suddenly heartless appear

We summon our weapons to fight them

When we finished fighting we climbed up the mountain

Pinkie: I don't see anyone

Sunset: (slightly frustrated) Brandon?

Me: did I make a turn at the wrong rock

Me: So princess celestia said we need to help a guy named Hercules right

Ruby: yeah

Me: Hey Hercules where are youuu!

World introduction

A black cloud of smoke lands behind

???: Okay alright I know I doubted my eyes, crossed my tees, zeroed the hero so what gives who is trying to give me a migraine by yoddling that yuts name. He looks over and sees us

Me: sigh really discord

Discord: oh it's just you

Me: It's just us even for you that's cold

My adventures at canterlot high School Where stories live. Discover now