Me, sunset, Rarity, and pinkie were sitting on the roof of the school eating sea salt ice cream
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Sunset: This is nice
Pinkie: Yeah we never really get down time
Me: Yeah I just hope nothing happens
After I say that something big comes down from the clouds
Me: I just had to say something
A drill comes from the machine and digs into the ground and someone appeared
???: Hey are you the guardians of light?!
Me: Um yes
Someone else appeared
???: Perfect
They both jumped down
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???: Well well well well well let's take a look at the stars You must be Pinkie pie you must be Sunset shimmer and the famous Rarity well of course you became a Guardian of light isn't that just swell
Rarity: But I'm not a guardian of light
???: Oh really then what are you doing with them
Me: This has to be a misunderstanding in case you haven't heard I'm a Keyblade ma-