Never miss a beat

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We were in the Collision watching Penny and Sunset's fight

Penny used her swords while Sunset used her keyblade

Sunset used fire magic to ignite Penny's swords and use them to defeat the opposite team.

Penny: Thank you for the fun fight

After they won me and Ruby went to congratulate them

Ruby: Penny!

Penny: Ruby!

Penny tackled Ruby to the ground

Ruby: Why

Me: Congrats you two

Sunset: Thank you

While Ruby and Penny were having a conversation me and Sunset were discussing team names

Sunset: Do you know what our team name should be?

Me: I don't

Professor Port: The next match will be starting soon

Me: Oh yeah the triples match well good luck Ruby

Ruby: What do you mean?

Me: You're fighting in the match with Weiss and Yang aren't you?

Ruby: Well about that we chose you to be the third fighter

Me: You did?

Ruby: Well yeah you're a great fighter

Me: Thanks well I guess I should get going

Ruby: Good luck!

Sunset: We'll be cheering for you!

Me: See ya

I ran off to where Weiss and Yang were

Weiss: Hey Brandon you made it

Me: Yep

Yang: Well it's our turn you're from Atlas what can we expect

Weiss: We should expect them to have great skills and coordination

Suddenly something zoomed in front of us

We see three people in front of us

Weiss: Or that

Weiss: Or that

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