A new enemy part 1

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I was walking to Weiss's house to see if she wanted to hang out today and I brought some white roses with me to give them to her as a friendly gesture.

I knocked on the front door and waited a few seconds until someone answered It was a butler.

I knocked on the front door and waited a few seconds until someone answered It was a butler

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???: hello I am Klein how may I help you

Me: Hi my name is Brandon Phillips a-

Klein: wait your Brandon Weiss has told me so much about you turns out you've really grown on her.

Me: Have I now?

We both laughed a little

Me: Anyways I'm here to visit her is she here

Klein: Yes she's in her room but her and her father just had an argument so she's not in the best mood but she'll be happy to see you.

Me: That's good

Klein: Right this way

He led me to her room and knocked

Weiss: Not now

Klein: Ms, Schnee please let us in

Weiss: It's open

He opened the door

Klein: Ms Schnee you have a guest

Weiss: Who is it

Klein moves to the side to reveal me

Me: hey Weiss

She ran up and hugged me

Weiss: I'm so happy to see you

Me: Klein told me what happened I hope these will help

I gave her the flowers

Weiss: Aw thank you they're so pretty

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Weiss: Aw thank you they're so pretty

Me: You're welcome

Suddenly I got an alert on my Gummiphone

Breaking news a Schnee dust company train was just broken into only a few moments ag-

I turned to Weiss

Me: You wanna come with me

She nodded and we left to go stop the criminal

We arrived and hoped on the train and we see a figure come from the smoke

Me: Who are you supposed to be

???: My name is Adam and don't you forget it

He says as he draws his sword

Me: Look we don't have to fight can't we just talk this out?!

Adam: We faunus tried that already but you humans didn't listen so You are standing in my way so I will have to kill you

I rushed towards me and hit something

I looked in horror at the sight in front of me Adam stabbed Weiss and she fell to the ground

Adam: Darn it I missed

Weiss's pov

???: Weiss wake up, Weiss wake up

I slowly opened my eyes to see Sunset and Pinkie

Sunset: Weiss oh thank goodness you're okay

Weiss: What ha- gasp Brandon is he okay!?

Sunset: Um

She pointed in front of me I raised up to see the one person I never wanted to see again

???: Hello Weiss

He looks at me

Vanitas: Did you miss me

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Vanitas: Did you miss me

To be continued

Credits song

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