School competition

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In the next world I'm in front of a high school that looked familiar but at the same time different and I walked into the school

My outfit for this world

What plays in the background

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What plays in the background

I looked around

Me: Big school

???: Hey are you new

In my mind: No it can't be

I turned to the voice owner and it was her it was Sunset Shimmer

Suddenly heartless appear

Me: Get behind me

She runs and hides behind me

What plays in the background

Sunset: What's your name?

Me: Brandon

Sunset: Hmmm say have we met before?

Me: (clears throat) No I don't think so

Sunset: If you say so I was just about to talk to my friends about something wanna join I could introduce you to them

Me: Sure Sunset that sounds great

Sunset: Awesome let's go

We walked into the library

A few minutes later after introductions

Fluttershy: Do you think she came through the portal to equestria?

Sunset: No I definitely would've noticed that I think she's from here

Applejack: That's a relief the last thing we need is another magical so and so bent on world domination coming over to equestria

Rarity: I for one am happy to not be battling the forces of evil magic the wear and tear on my wardrobe is too much to keep up with

Sunset: Still a mysterious person snooping around wouldn't you wonder what she was doing?

Me: She has a point

Rainbow dash: Well you don't have to wonder because I found out who it was

Pinkie: A magic manager, A late night statue cleaner, a gardener?

My adventures at canterlot high School Where stories live. Discover now