The start of the Mark of mastery exam

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Me and the girls Including Weiss and Yang are standing in front of Princess celestia and Luna as they explained why they sent us the letter

What's playing in the background

Princess celestia: The reason we called you is because we believe you are ready to take the mark of mastery exam in this exam you will be sent to new worlds and some familiar ones to lock the keyholes If you can do that and return safely I will name you a Keyblade master

Celestia: Oh and feel free to make some friends along the way I heard you're good at that she said giggling

Sunset: Yeah he is good at that

Princess Luna: Are you ready for the rest

Me: Yes my princess

Princess Luna: No need for the formality you can just call me Luna

Me: Alright then Luna

Pinkie: Wait

Me: What is it Pinkie

Pinkie: I wanted to give you this

Pinkie: I made it for you think of it as a good luck charm

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Pinkie: I made it for you think of it as a good luck charm

Me: Thank you

I put it as the keychain of the oblivion keyblade

Btw I dual wield oathkeeper and oblivion and I have sunset's lucky charm and the keychain of oathkeeper

Btw I dual wield oathkeeper and oblivion and I have sunset's lucky charm and the keychain of oathkeeper

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I turned to the two princesses

Me: I'm ready now Luna

The two princesses sent me to the first world

I wake up in what looks to be an airship with a new outfit

I wake up in what looks to be an airship with a new outfit

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