A new enemy part 2

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A few days ago

Me: Okay Vanitas I'm here to make a deal

Vanitas: What is the deal?

Me: Whenever you want to come out and cause trouble let me be in control

Vanitas: And why should I agree to this deal

Me: Oh trust me it'll be worth it

Present day

I started walking towards Weiss as Vanitas as she backed up in fear

She braced herself for pain but nothing happend she slowly opened her eyes to see me offering her my hand

Me: Well are you going to help me defeat this guy

She took my hand and stood up

Weiss: Brandon is that you?

Me: Yes Weiss it's me

Weiss: But how?

Me: I'll explain later right now we have to defeat this guy

Weiss: Right

Adam sends a slice shockwave towards and it takes us all out when we get back up he was gone

Sunset: Aw man he got away

Me: Girls go back to the school and explain the situation to our friends maybe they'll know who that guy was

Weiss: What about you?

Me: Gotta visit Rarity about something okay

Weiss: Okay be careful

They all left to go to the school

I went to Rarity's boutique and opened the door

???: oh hello there

Me: Hello who are you?

???: I'm Sweetie belle Rarity's little sister

Me: It's nice to meet you Sweetie Belle I'm Brandon

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Me: It's nice to meet you Sweetie Belle I'm Brandon

Sweetie Belle: So your Brandon huh I've heard a lot about you from my friends you've become pretty popular

Me: Anyways I'm here for the new outfit Rarity made me

Sweetie Belle: Actually I made it but I'll go get it for you

I wait for a few minutes and she came back

Sweetie Belle: Here you go

Me : Thank you see ya later Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle: Bye Brandon

I changed into the outfit and when to the school to see if they had anything

What the new outfit looks like

What the new outfit looks like

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