The first piece of pinkie's heart

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After I left I ended up in the final world again

???: Hello again Brandon

Me: Hey Chirithy how are you

Chirithy: I'm doing good and I know why you're here

Me: Yeah do you know where she is

Chirithy: well no but here's what I can tell you Pinkie's heart is in pieces you need to travel to different worlds to find them new worlds

Me: I understand

Chirithy: I will send you to one of them but I don't know where you'll end up

Me: I'm ready

Chirithy: Okay good luck and may your heart be your guiding key

Chirithy sends me to the world and I wake up in front of a high school

Chirithy sends me to the world and I wake up in front of a high school

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Me: Another high School interesting

Me: my clothes changed too

A school bus pulls up behind and a girl falls out and drops her things I walk over to help her out

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A school bus pulls up behind and a girl falls out and drops her things I walk over to help her out

???: Oh thank you

Me: No problem what's your name

???: Karen

Me: Nice to meet you Karen I'm Brandon

Karen: It's nice to meet you too I'll see you later

Me: See ya Karen

I noticed another car

???: Why am I being punished for something I didn't do

???: we just want you to make some friends

???: Or don't whatever works for you

My adventures at canterlot high School Where stories live. Discover now