A prince and interesting bodyguards

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We were walking towards the castle

Soldier #1: Our prince has two bodyguards you have to prove yourself worthy

Soldier #2: We will bring you to the bodyguards

Sunset: Okay

Soldier #1: Only the boy

Me: Woah back up what do you mean only me?

Soldier: The bodyguards are only interested in fighting you not them

Me: Well guess what I'm not going anywhere without them

Soldier#2: That's too bad we were hoping to make this easy but I suppose not Bodyguards destroy him!

Someone in a black coat walked up to me and sent me somewhere

Someone in a black coat walked up to me and sent me somewhere

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Me: Where are we

Bodyguard #1: this is where I destroy you

What's playing in the background

After the fight we returned and the bodyguard is knocked out I removed the hood to see Ruby's face

Suddenly a dark corridor appears and another black hooded figure comes out

Bodyguard #2: Get away from her

She summoned a keyblade

She summoned a keyblade

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Me: A keyblade?

She ran towards me and both of our keyblades clashed with each other a bright light surrounded us and I wake up on my heart

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