Who am I

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I ran into the middle of nowhere and I sit on a tree

Little: Brandon why did you shout at everyone

I looked around realizing I'm lost

Me: Where are we

Light: I can guide us back you shouldn't run off though you all need to stick together if you want to go back home

Me: why are you still here

Light: I made a promise

Me: I made a promise to protect my home that I'd keep people safe that I would be there for my friends

Light: But we can go back and-

Me: No you have no idea what I've done what I couldn't do I can't do this....I could never do this

I said as I punched a tree

Me: If you stay with me You're going to end up dead too

Me: Just go home

Light: But you're-

Me: I SAID GO!!!

Light ran off scared

I started walking aimlessly until I reached a house I walked in and saw a bunch of pictures on the walls one of which had discord and Xemnas on it

Me: what is this?

Discord: hello kid keyblader

I summoned my keyblade

Discord: been a while hasn't it how's the hero biz treating you I gotta say you're not looking too good

Me: where's Xemnas

Discord: Yesh no manners and after these three came out to see you

I see a table behind me and the three people were Sora, Riku, and Kairi

Sora: Hey there buddy

Kairi: We missed you

Riku: How's it going why don't you take a seat

Me: How is he doing this

They all started laughing after I said that

Me: Stop it this isn't real!

Discord: Isn't real you're the one who has been guided by a talking mouse reality is getting fuzzier by the minute kid

I get into a fighting stance

Discord: You know once Xemnas realized where he was everything changed found a place where he could run away from it all do whatever you want

He sits down

Discord: I offered that to him but we all remember how that ended

Me: Is that seriously what this is all about you still blame me for what happened to Discord

He looks angry

Me: If you're looking for an apology then you have wasted your time

Light looks at the situation from the roof

Discord: They say everyone believes their the hero of their own story😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

Sora, Riku, and Kairi's eyes turned red

Discord: But I knew what I was and deep down I think you know what you are too

He pulls out a heartbinder

Me: A heartbinder?

Discord: oh so you're familiar well how about a reset

Me: If you want me dead then come get me

My adventures at canterlot high School Where stories live. Discover now