metropolis city

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We are in the final world ready for the next world

Sunset' So Chirithy could you give us some information about the next one

Chirithy: Well Brandon actually went to this world when he was looking for the pieces of pinkie's heart

Pinkie: Oh so you've been to this world before

Me: Yep

Chirithy: Are you ready

Me: Yes Chirithy we're ready

We jumped into the portal

We wake up in front of Metropolis high

Me: Well here we are

The girls noticed something

Sunset: Hey did your outfit change

Me: Oh yeah I forgot my outfit does change when I'm in this world for some reason

Me: We need to find the friends I made here

Sunset: Okay

Suddenly there was an explosion

Pinkie: What was that

Me: Let's go check it out

We run towards where the explosion came from

We see a big starfish attacking the street

Each one of the dc superhero girls grab the monster by its points

Sunset: Who are they

Me: Those are the friends I told you about

Wonder woman: Your time of terrorizing this city is over Staro this ends here and n-

A phone started ringing

Batgirl: Oh sorry gotta take this

She walks off

Batgirl: Hello oh yes I can definitely take this hey Harleen guess where you are um Gotham zoo, the amusement park, Gotham zoo gasp you're in metropolis you moved here and your coming to school tomorrow okay see you then

She hangs up and looks to her left

Batgirl: Yay we defeated Staro

Wonder woman: No Brandon defeated him

Batgirl: What Brandon's here where is he?

She pointed to the undestroyed street

She sees me and runs to hug me

Batgirl: I missed you

Me: I missed you too

Batgirl: So did you find your friend

Me: Yes Babs meet Pinkie pie and sunset shimmer

Batgirl: It's nice to meet you both

Time skip to the next day

The girls are in the cafeteria a girl tripped a boy as her and her friends laughed

Me: Hey girls

Zee: Hey Brandon

Me: What's going on

Diana: It seems that Selina Kyle has acquired some new friends

???: Did someone say new friend

Diana: No I said Friends as in plural

Babs hops over the table and hugs her

Babs: Guys this is Harleen Quinzel my GBFF

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