Me, Sunset, Pinkie, and Ruby were relaxing in the park
Suddenly an explosion happened in the city we ran to where the explosion happened we see a bunch of henchmen Attacking the city when they noticed us
Hunter: Aw crap the Guardians of light take them out
We see Fluttershy
Me: fluttershy what are you doing here
Fluttershy: I'm here to help
Me: Let's show them what we're made of
We easily defeated all of them all
A helicopter came in and I see a big man in it he jumped onto the Ground
We were on a floating platform
Me: Who are you supposed to be?
???: I am Kraven the hunter
Kraven: And I have studied you for so long
As he was talking Discord appeared and was going to attack me and I didn't notice him but Fluttershy did
Kraven: And I know how much you care about your friends
Discord charged at me
Fluttershy: Brandon watch out!
She took the hit and got knocked over the edge we all looked in horror as she fell and disappeared
Me: This can't be Fluttershy she's... she's gone gone forever what do we do I made a promise to all of you including her I made a promise to protect you all but I couldn't save Fluttershy I'm sorry I failed you
Me: You did this Kraven!
Me: You did this you are going to pay I'll kill you you hear me I'm gonna kill you!!!!!!
A dark Aura surrounded me
Vanitas: Finally after so long I'm finally free
Sunset: Brandon?
Vanitas: I'm not Brandon anymore I am Vanitas
Vanitas: Now Kraven I do have to thank you for freeing me but
I stabbed Kraven killing him
Vanitas: I can't let you stand in my way
Vanitas: Now Discord do me a favor and I Might let you live
Discord: What is it
Vanitas: Take care of my Brother's little Friends but
I turned to Sunset
Vanitas: Leave this one to me I have a feeling she's going to be a big problem with my plan
Sunset: Brandon what's happening to you
Vanitas: So your little boyfriend's secret is out Brandon is gone It's only Vanitas now
Sunset: Brandon I'll save you no matter what
She gets into a fighting stance
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