Beach City

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I wake up on a beach I stand up and take in my surroundings.

Me: This place reminds me of my old home the destiny islands I should really visit Sora and the others when this is all over.

???: Hello

I turned around to see a boy wearing a red shirt walking towards me while waving

Me: Hey what's your name?

???: My name is Steven, Steven universe

Me: Nice to meet you Steven My name is Brandon

Steven: Nice to meet you too Brandon I was just on my way to the big donut do you want to come with me

Me: Sure

Meanwhile in equestria

Ruby and Pinkie were having a conversation while Sunset was practicing her keyblade magic

Ruby: Has anyone seen Weiss lately?

Princess celestia: She's watching over Brandon until he wakes up in case anything bad happens.

Ruby: Oh okay

Suddenly a dark corridor appears and an organization member comes out

Suddenly a dark corridor appears and an organization member comes out

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Sunset: Who are you?

???: I am Luxord and I heard that your little friend is taking the mark of mastery exam

Ruby: Why would you care (she says as she grabs crescent rose)

Luxord pulls a bunch of playing cards

Luxord: Let's see what master he is?!

He shoots a bunch of cards as the screen fades to black

Back with Me

Steven: NOOOOOO!

Steven: This can't be happening this must be a dream Lars please tell me I'm dreaming!

Lars: Get off me man I'm stocking here!

Sadie: I'm sorry Steven I guess they just stopped making them.

Steven: Stopped making them why on earth would they stop making Cookie cats?!

Lars: Tough bits man nobody buys them anymore I guess they couldn't compete with lion lickers.

Steven: Aw not lion lickers nobody likes them they don't even look like lions kids these days I'll tell you what

Lars: Well if you miss your wimpy Ice cream so much why don't you make some with your magic belly button "he says mockingly"

Steven: That's not how it works Lars!

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