New Challengers

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Back in Canterlot city

Pinkie was standing in front of the portal where me and sunset got taken to and everything was gathered around

Twilight: Pinkie this is dangerous I mean they've been gone for two days what if you don't come back

Pinkie: Don't worry Twilight I will return with them both just trust me

Twilight: Okay Pinkie good luck

Pinkie: Thank you

She jumped in the portal and ended up in a fancy looking city

She jumped in the portal and ended up in a fancy looking city

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Pinkie: Where am I?

???: Hello there Identify yourself immediately

Pinkie: Woah calm down my name is Pinkie Pie and I am looking for my friend Brandon have you seen him

??? In her mind: hmm I remember my sister mentioned a Brandon in her letters

???: No I haven't but I'm going to Beacon Academy to visit my sister would you like to accompany me?

Pinkie: Sure miss.....uh

???: Oh my apologies where are my manners my name is Winter Schnee

Pinkie: Nice to meet you Winter

Winter: Shall we?

Pinkie: We shall

Pinkie and Winter both got on an airship headed for Beacon Academy

Meanwhile in Vale

Sunset and Penny were walking in the city getting closer to Beacon Academy

Sunset suddenly stopped walking and Penny turned around

Penny: What's wrong Sunset?

Sunset: Nothing.... it's nothing

Penny: Thinking about your friend?

Sunset: Yeah it's just I don't know what I'll do if we don't find him

Penny: He must mean a lot to you well if there's one thing I learned is that when hearts are connected they'll find a way back to each other

Sunset: Thanks Penny

Penny: Your welcome my friend c'mon we should be reaching Beacon in a few minutes

Sunset: okay

Meanwhile in the Amity Arena

Me and the rest of team RWBY were in the stands watching team JNPR's match

Professor Port: 3,2,1 begin!

Jaune: C'mon guys

The two teams ran towards each other

They started fighting each other while the sniper retreated to the trees but Jaune saw the sniper

Jaune: Retreat!

My adventures at canterlot high School Where stories live. Discover now