I need you

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Alina's POV:

I felt like I was going to faint. I felt lightheaded, my brain was throbbing.

"Where is he?" 

"I don't believe any of you, the Darkling can't be here!!" 

"How did he get past our security?"

"What secrets has Alina been keeping from us?"

"Is she a traitor?"

"We're doomed. We're all going to die."

I slowly moved my hands from my face even though the light was affecting my eyes.

Oh how I need darkness

It was Nikolai who stayed by my side the entire time, crouched next to me sitting in the chair and holding my hand.

I didn't even need to have my eyes open to tell that Mal was glaring at me. At us. 

"Is it the Darkling? Is he messing with your head?" Nikolai asked, intent on figuring out what was wrong.

Aleksander was gone by now, I severed our connection right after Mal blurted our plans.

There was a burning rage and hate for Mal, even though it wasn't really his fault. 

"No-" I said weakly, "I'm just tired, probably dehydrated." I try to give him a convincing smile, but it doesn't seem to work. He changes the subject.

"I was right, huh? The Darkling is here." Nikolai scanned the room.

"Not anymore, he left." I say with defeat, even though it helped us greatly. "I feel like we should've done more planning. All of this was all in the air."

Nikolai touches my cheek, "We'll be fine Alina. When we defeat the Darkling, Ravka will have wonderful rulers to help them." 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mal tense and look away.

I pull away from Nikolai's touch, everything feeling wrong.

"Nikolai, the Darkling is many steps ahead of us, and always will be." I look down, unable to look at anyone in the eye. "He's been visiting me-" 

"Visiting you?" An outrage is unleashed across the room.

"You're the Sun Summoner! How could you betray us?" A voice comes from somewhere in the room.

I stand up, sparked by anger. "No- I never betrayed you. I can't stop the Darkling from visiting me!" I touch Morozova's collar on instinct.

"Is it through the collar?" Tamar asks. "Is that how he's here?" She scanned the room, "Can he hear us?"

I let go of the collar. "I-I've been having visions. Where sometimes the Darkling comes to me and disappears. Sometimes it's me going to him." 

"You going to him? Why are you going to him?" Zoya says, annoyed. 

"I can't help it" I lie.

"Alina," Nikolai says slowly, "How long has this been going on? How many times has the Darkling visited you?" 

I look down. "Everyday" I mumble.

More murmurs coming from the group, but Nikolai shrugs it off.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about how the Darkling would come here." He says with a light tone, then turns to me.

"No one is blaming you for anything, you can't help those visions anyways. It was that bastard who put the collar on you."

David noticeably shrinks away from us, and Genya puts her arm on his shoulder.

Sunshine and Shadow - A Darklina FanficWhere stories live. Discover now