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Beast Boy POV

Soaring through the starry night sky, each flap of my wings calms my nerves, though a gnawing anxiety still lingers. I picture my teammates' faces, disappointment etched into their expressions. "Why couldn't you just talk to us? We're your friends," they'd say, their voices heavy with disapproval. The thought stings, but the cool air rushing past me is a welcome distraction. It's my choice to go. They'll be fine without me. They always have fun without me. I'm just a screw-up. They'll be better off without me.

As the island I once called home appears on the horizon, the sun rises behind it, painting the sky in a stunning mix of colors. The sight is beautiful, but it also reminds me of Raven. Her pale skin, so soft and ethereal, her purple hair waving like silk in the wind, her mesmerizing purple eyes. She's perfect, a vision of beauty and strength. The thought of her makes my chest tighten with longing. It's unfathomable how much I wish she could be mine.

Lost in thought, I almost fly past the island. Regaining focus, I swoop down and land softly on the familiar shore. The cave where I used to live stands untouched, a relic of my past. I sigh, taking in the sight. Nostalgia washes over me, a bittersweet mix of happiness and sorrow.

Memories flood back—finding treasure underwater, swimming with dolphins. Simpler times, free from the weight of the world. Just me and nature. But then, the darker memories seep in, the ones I tried to leave behind. After my parents died in that flood, I was shattered. This cave was my refuge, my sanctuary. I remember curling up in the corner, chest crushed under the weight of grief. I couldn't breathe, tears blurring my vision as I cried for hours, lost in a haze of sorrow.

Now, standing in this place of both solace and pain, I feel the weight of my past and the uncertainty of my present. The memories are vivid, each one a reminder of who I was and what I lost. I bend down, touching the cool, smooth surface of a rock, the physical sensation grounding me in the here and now.

The isolation, the sense of peace I once found here, it all feels so distant now. I can't shake the feeling of emptiness, the gnawing sense of inadequacy. I think of the team, of how they've always been there for me. But I pushed them away, thinking they'd be better off without me. I was wrong. I know that now, but it's too late.

I look out at the horizon, the sun now fully risen, casting a warm glow over the island. The beauty of it all feels like a cruel joke, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me. I can't help but wonder what Raven would think if she were here. Would she understand? Would she see through the facade to the broken mess underneath?

I sigh, the weight of my emotions pressing down on me. "Why did it have to be like this?" I whisper into the morning air. The silence is deafening, a stark reminder of my solitude.

But maybe, just maybe, this time away will help me find some clarity. To sort through the tangled mess of my thoughts and emotions. To find a way back to the person I used to be, or perhaps, to become someone new.

I take a deep breath, feeling the cool, salty air fill my lungs. It's a small comfort, but it's something. And for now, that's enough.

I start to explore the island, each step bringing back memories of my time here. The place is mostly unchanged, but there are small differences. The trees seem taller, their branches reaching higher towards the sky. The flowers, vibrant and colorful, have spread more widely, painting the ground with patches of reds, yellows, and purples. It's serene, almost untouched by the passage of time.

I walk along the familiar paths, the soft crunch of sand and leaves under my feet grounding me in the present. The island has a way of calming me, its tranquility seeping into my bones. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore, the rustle of leaves in the breeze, the distant calls of birds—it all blends together into a symphony of peace.

I find myself at the edge of the cliff where I used to sit and watch the sunset. The view is as breathtaking as I remember, the vast expanse of ocean stretching out before me. The sky is painted in hues of orange and pink, the sun dipping below the horizon in a slow, graceful descent. I sit down, letting the beauty of the scene wash over me. It's a reminder of the good times, of the simple pleasures that once brought me joy.

As the sun sets, the memories of my parents come rushing back. The pain is still there, but it's different now. Less sharp, more like a dull ache. The island has a way of soothing that pain, of helping me find peace with what happened. It's as if the serenity of this place holds a power, a magic that helps me heal.

I close my eyes, breathing in the cool, salty air. "Mom, Dad," I whisper, "I miss you." The words hang in the air, a quiet confession to the ghosts of my past. But there's also a sense of acceptance, of understanding that they're gone and that it's okay to move on.

The island, with its calm and beauty, helps me find that peace. It's a place where I can be alone with my thoughts, where I can confront my demons without fear. It's here, in this tranquil haven, that I can start to make sense of the chaos inside me.

As I sit there, watching the stars begin to twinkle in the night sky, I feel a small flicker of hope. Maybe this time away will help me find the clarity I need. To understand my feelings for Raven, to make peace with my past, to figure out who I am and who I want to be.

"I'll come back," I whisper to the night, the promise as much to myself as to my teammates. "I'll come back stronger. For them. For her."


Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter, I swear I can only write well at like 1-2 am it really sucks but it's whatever. 

Have a great day! 

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