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Beast Boy POV

It's been months since I've seen my friends. I miss them a lot, especially Raven. I can't stop thinking about her. Does she think about me too? I miss her voice, the way she would scold me for annoying her. It was really cute.

The island breeze rustles the leaves around me, carrying the salty scent of the ocean. The sand beneath my feet is cool as I sit by the shore, watching the waves crash. I've been doing things that remind me of her, like writing. Which is surprising, knowing myself. I never write. But I've even written poems about her, like this one:

In shadows deep, where silence lies, I see her there, with haunted eyes. A mystery cloaked in endless night, Her pain concealed from mortal sight.

Her voice, a whisper in the dark, A melody that leaves its mark. With every word, my heart does ache, For secrets that I cannot take.

I chuckle to myself, feeling the rough pages of my journal. Never in a million years would I imagine myself writing poems, especially about a girl. But Raven is just so perfect. She's changed my whole being. Every part of my body longs for her touch. My lips just want to touch hers and stay there for hours. My arms want to hold her. I dream of us almost every night, cuddling while sleeping, saying corny love lines to each other.

"Beast Boy, you're such a sap," I mutter, shaking my head with a grin.

The sun starts to set, casting a golden glow over the island. The colors blend together, reminding me of Raven's magic. The purples and blacks, the deep shadows. I sigh, standing up and brushing the sand off my shorts. The cliff I usually sit on looms ahead, its edge inviting. I head there, climbing up the familiar path, feeling the rough rock under my fingers.

There's no way she could reciprocate those feelings, right? I'm just a dumb jokester, a prankster. I annoy her way too much. But maybe, just maybe, she's feeling the same way right now.

The wind tugs at my hair as I reach the top. I look out at the horizon, the waves glistening in the fading light. I can almost hear her voice, that soft, soothing tone she uses when she's trying to keep me calm.

"Garfield," she'd say, "you need to focus."

"Focus," I repeat to myself. "I need to get back. I need to see her."

I sit down, the rough rock digging into my legs, and close my eyes. Memories flood in—her laughter, rare but beautiful; her scowl, intense but oddly endearing; her eyes, deep and mysterious, always holding something back.

"I need to tell her I love her," I whisper to the wind. "Before it's too late. Before somebody else claims her. Before I'm drowned in my own thoughts of sadness."

I open my eyes and take a deep breath. The island has been my refuge, but it's time to go home. I've grown taller, more muscular. I'm practically a different person. Will they even recognize me?

I walk back to the cave where I've been living. The air inside is cool, filled with the earthy scent of moss and damp stone. My belongings are scattered around—a makeshift bed, a few keepsakes from the team, and my journal. I pack up quickly, the familiar motions grounding me.

As I head out, I take one last look at the cave. It's been my sanctuary, a place to heal and grow. But it's not home. Home is with the team. Home is with Raven.

Stepping into the fading light. The path ahead is clear. I can almost hear Cyborg's laugh, Starfire's cheerful greetings, and Robin's determined voice. But most of all, I can imagine Raven's eyes meeting mine, her expression softening just a bit.

The journey back will be long, but I'm ready. With every step, I feel a little lighter, a little more hopeful. The island fades behind me, but its lessons remain. I'm no longer the same Beast Boy who left months ago. I'm ready to face my problems, ready to tell Raven how I feel.

As the moon rises, casting a silver path on the ocean, I take a deep breath and start my journey home.

I transform into a raven, wings cutting through the cool night air. The moon casts sparkles across the water below, creating a shimmering path that I can't help but admire. The stars above twinkle in an infinite sky, and in this vast universe, I feel like the luckiest person alive just being able to know Raven.

The flight feels short, my thoughts consumed with dreams of her. What will she say when I tell her? Doubts creep in, but I push them aside. I need to see her.

After what feels like hours, the Tower finally comes into view, a familiar silhouette against the dark sky. My heart races with excitement. I'm finally going to see my friends again! I land softly on the rooftop, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I pull out my phone, the sudden light blinding after flying through the night. It's 3:58 AM. I rub my eyes, adjusting to the brightness. Who would be awake at this hour?

I hear movement on the stairs, soft footsteps growing closer. Someone's coming. My pulse quickens as I walk toward the door, eager and nervous to see who it is. Each step echoes in the silent night, my anticipation building.

The door creaks open slowly, and a familiar, delicious aroma fills the air—lavender. My heart skips a beat. It's Raven. Her scent, so unique and calming, washes over me like a comforting wave. I can't explain how much I missed that beautiful smell. 

I missed her so much.

Things are going to get good soon, trust me! I have so much planned, sorry for another short chapter. I'm actually releasing it at a normal time so yay! Comment some suggestions or opinions on my writing please. 

Entwined Shadows: The Tragic Love Story of Beast Boy and RavenWhere stories live. Discover now