Healing|| 33

20 4 0

Raven POV

Days turn into weeks, and slowly, ever so slowly, I begin to feel more like myself again. The shadows of my past still linger, haunting the edges of my mind, but they're no longer all-consuming. My teammates have been my pillars, grounding me with their presence and patience. Beast Boy, especially, has been unwavering in his support.

Before the incident with Slade, Beast Boy and I were already close. We had a bond that went beyond friendship, a connection that felt almost tangible. Now, that bond feels even more crucial, a lifeline pulling me back from the abyss.

We've established a new routine, one that brings a semblance of normalcy to my life. Every evening, Beast Boy and I have our movie dates in the tower. The familiar comfort of the common room, the low hum of the TV, and the soft glow of the screen provide a safe haven for me. It's our little sanctuary where the outside world feels distant and unthreatening.

I sit on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, my feet tucked under me. The fabric is soft against my skin, a small comfort. Beast Boy sits a few feet away, munching on a bowl of popcorn, respecting the boundaries I still need. It's these small acts of consideration that remind me how much he cares. He's always careful, never making me feel pressured or uncomfortable.

Tonight, the movie is some light-hearted comedy he picked out. I find myself laughing at the antics on the screen, a sound that feels almost foreign to me but welcome nonetheless. The feel of the couch beneath me, the ambient noise of the Tower, and the occasional rustle of popcorn bring a sense of normalcy that I've missed.

As the credits roll, I turn to him, feeling a surge of gratitude and affection. The room falls silent except for the quiet hum of the television.

"Beast Boy," I say softly, my voice carrying the weight of my unspoken thoughts. I glance down, fiddling with the edge of the blanket. "I've been meaning to tell you... how much you meant to me when I was with Slade. I thought of you constantly. Your smile, your jokes, your unwavering optimism. It kept me going. I clung to those memories, hoping I'd see you again."

He looks at me, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions. His face softens, and he sets the popcorn aside, leaning slightly forward. "Raven, you have no idea how much that means to me. I thought of you every single day. Every moment you were gone, I couldn't rest, couldn't sleep. I was consumed with worry, with fear that I'd never see you again. You're everything to me, Rae."

His words touch something deep within me, a place that's still raw and tender. I want to reach out, to close the physical distance between us, but the fear still lingers. Instead, I let my words bridge the gap. "I love you, Beast Boy, and I'm sorry I can't show it the way I want to. The fear... it's still there."

He smiles, a soft, understanding smile that makes my heart ache in the best way. "I love you too, Raven. And you don't have to apologize. I get it. I'll wait as long as you need. Your safety, your comfort—that's what matters to me."

The sincerity in his eyes, the absolute certainty of his words, wrap around me like a warm embrace. "Thank you," I whisper, feeling a tear slip down my cheek. "For everything."

He reaches out, stopping short before he touches me, respecting my space. "We're in this together, Rae. One step at a time. And when you're ready, I'll be here, always."

The night stretches on, the room filled with a comforting silence. The distant sound of waves crashing against the shore adds to the tranquility. I know I still have a long way to go, but with Beast Boy by my side, I feel like I can face whatever comes next.

Authors Note:
Sorry for the short, messy chapters, I'm just trying to finish this while I have the motivation too. I love you all, thank you for the support. 

The last couple chapters will be some of the best though.

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