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Beast Boy POV

1 Year Time skip

I never imagined my life would turn out this way. Growing up, I never thought I'd find myself here, standing on the precipice of a future I once thought impossible. I've been through so much—hardship, self-hatred, moments of cowardice. There were times when I couldn't even muster the courage to tell Raven how I felt about her. Those days seem so far away now, like another lifetime.

I remember the early days, hanging out with Raven, just friends but feeling something more. I'd make her laugh with my stupid jokes, or at least get an exasperated eye-roll. Those moments, her laughter, even the sighs of exasperation, felt like tiny victories. They were the highlights of my days, the flickers of light in my often dark world. And yet, I never dared to cross that line, never dared to let her know how my heart beat faster when she was near.

There was that one time, a particularly hot day, when we were all enjoying ice cream. I managed to smear some on her cheek, and without thinking, I leaned in and licked it off. Her eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, I thought I'd gone too far. But then she laughed, and my heart soared. It was in those small, seemingly insignificant moments that our bond grew stronger.

Until that day. The day I finally confessed my feelings to her. I was terrified, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. The genuine surprise on her face when she told me she felt the same way was worth every ounce of fear. I remember her eyes, the way they softened, and her lips curled into that rare, genuine smile that she reserved for special occasions.

Our first date was perfect, more than I could have ever hoped for. We were so in love, so happy. The world felt brighter, full of possibilities. I remember the time we took a quiet trip to the island where I stayed after my parents died. It was a place filled with memories, some painful, some comforting. Sharing that part of my past with her, and hearing her share her own stories in return, brought us even closer.

We had deep conversations late into the night, often lying on the couch or the roof, talking about our fears, our pasts, our dreams. Those nights, the stars above us, the world quiet and still, were some of the most intimate moments of my life. I felt like I could share anything with her, and she with me.

But then, Slade took her from me, plunging us both into a nightmare. The worry, the fear that I'd never see her again, consumed me. Every moment she was gone was torture. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat. My mind was a whirlwind of dread, imagining all the terrible things that could be happening to her. I replayed every moment we'd had together, clung to the memories like a lifeline, hoping they'd somehow bring her back to me.

When she finally came back, it was like the world was set right again. As I pulled her into my arms, my heart pounded with a mix of relief and overwhelming joy, my eyes stinging with unshed tears as the nightmare finally ended. We rebuilt what Slade tried to destroy, stronger and more united than ever. We cherished every moment, knowing how easily it could all be taken away.

And now, here we are, with two beautiful children. Twins. A girl named Rachel, and a boy named Garfield. Looking at them, I see so much of Raven and myself in their tiny faces. Rachel has her mother's piercing eyes, and Garfield, well, he's got my smile. Our little family is everything I could have ever dreamed of and more.

Tonight, we stand on the roof of the Tower, hand in hand, watching the sunset. The sky is painted with hues of orange and pink, a canvas of breathtaking beauty. Raven's presence beside me is a constant reminder of the strength we've found in each other. Her hand in mine feels like home, grounding me in the moment.

I turn to look at her, my heart swelling with love and gratitude. "We made it, Rae," I whisper, my voice filled with emotion.

She smiles, a look of contentment in her eyes. "Yes, we did, Gar. Together."

The wind rustles gently around us, carrying the promise of a future filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. As we stand there, embracing the beauty of the sunset and each other's presence, I realize how far we've come. Through every trial and tribulation, we've emerged stronger, our bond unbreakable.

I remember how her touch felt when we first started dating, hesitant and cautious, growing into something sure and comforting. Now, as we stand here, her hand in mine, it feels like the culmination of everything we've fought for. Our story, like a classic tale, has found its happy ending. Yet, I know it's only the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with love, family, and the promise of many more sunsets together.

Together, we watch the last light of day fade into the horizon, knowing that no matter what the future holds, we will face it side by side. And as the stars begin to twinkle in the twilight sky, I hold Raven's hand a little tighter, cherishing the life we've built and the love that will carry us forward, always.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the short ending, I hope you guys enjoyed my first book! 
I love you all thank you for the continued support. 

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