Improvement || 31

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Raven POV

I awaken slowly, the world around me sharpening into focus. The Tower's walls loom large, their familiar shapes now tinged with shadows that seem darker than before. For the first time in what feels like forever, I feel a semblance of peace, but it's a fragile, unsettling calm that hangs in the air like a thick fog.

"Raven?" Beast Boy's voice cuts through the silence, filled with an edge of unease that matches the darkness surrounding me. I turn my head to find him sitting beside me, his eyes searching mine with a mix of hope and anxiety.

"Beast Boy," I croak, my voice barely above a whisper. His presence is a distant echo of safety, yet it feels like a fragile mirage in this bleak landscape.

"Raven, you're awake," he says, his voice trembling with relief. "How are you feeling?"

I try to gauge my condition. My body aches, and the memories of Slade's torment cling like shadows to my thoughts. "Better," I respond, though the word feels inadequate. "I think... I think I'm ready to try moving forward."

His face lights up with a weary smile, as if the words I spoke have lifted a heavy burden off his shoulders. "Do you want to go to your room? It might be more... comforting."

"Yes," I agree, though the word feels hollow. He helps me out of the infirmary bed with a touch that's cautious, almost reverent, as if afraid I might shatter. We make our way to my room, the Tower's corridors stretching out like endless, empty halls.

Once inside, he helps me settle onto my bed. The familiar surroundings should feel like home, but now they seem like a cage that traps me in the aftermath of what happened. "Do you need anything?" he asks, his voice carrying a strained edge.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady the tremor in my voice. "I need to talk," I say, my words catching in my throat. "About... everything."

He sits beside me, his gaze fixed intently on me. "I'm here," he says, his voice steady but his hands fidgeting in his lap. "Whatever you need, just say it."

"I love you, Beast Boy," I start, and his eyes soften, revealing a glimmer of something that might be hope or despair. "But right now, I'm terrified. I'm scared of being touched, of feeling vulnerable. It's not about you, it's about what happened to me. I need time."

His hand reaches out, but my body jerks away instinctively, as if reacting to an unseen threat. "I'm sorry," I murmur, tears stinging my eyes. "I'm just not ready for physical contact yet."

He pulls his hand back, his face a mask of understanding, though his eyes betray his hurt. "It's okay, Rae. I understand. Take all the time you need. I'll be here, no matter what."

"Thank you," I whisper, though the words feel like a small, hollow comfort.

"I'll always be here for you," he says, his voice barely more than a breath. "How about I get you something to eat? Your favorite tea and some waffles?"

A faint smile tugs at my lips, but it's tinged with sadness. "That sounds... nice."

He stands, his movements slow and deliberate, as if each step weighs heavily on him. "I'll be back soon," he says, his voice resolute despite the strain.

I watch him leave, the door closing with a soft click that echoes in the stillness of the room. The reality of my situation settles over me like a shroud. I'm not entirely healed, but I'm beginning to process what's happened.

A short while later, Beast Boy returns, carrying a tray. The aroma of tea and waffles fills the room, but instead of warmth, it only serves as a reminder of the comfort I've been denied. He places the tray on the bedside table with a quiet clatter. "Here you go," he says, his voice low. "Just how you like it."

"Thank you," I reply, taking a sip of the tea. The warmth is a stark contrast to the chill that grips me, but it does little to chase away the shadows. I take a bite of the waffle, trying to focus on the taste, though it's hard to escape the bleakness of my thoughts.

"I'm glad you like it," he says, watching me with a careful, guarded expression.

Once I finish, I set the tray aside and look at him. "Beast Boy, I need some time alone to meditate. It helps me... center myself, to face what's happened."

He nods, his expression one of resignation. "Of course. Take all the time you need. I'll be right outside if you need anything."

"Thank you," I say again, my voice almost lost in the void between us.

He gives me one last, fleeting look before leaving the room. As the door clicks shut, I take a deep breath and close my eyes, slipping into a meditative state. The darkness within me remains, but now it's a darkness I'll face alone.

Authors Note


Much better writing will be coming out soon, sorry for the delays and stuff. I know this isn't my best writing but I hope you still enjoy. 

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