Memories|| 17

35 4 0

Raven POV

I wake up to the sound of waves gently lapping against the shore. The sky is still dark, with stars scattered across the vast expanse like diamonds. It can't be much later than 2 AM. I sit up, the cool night air nipping at my skin, and stretch, feeling my joints pop. The slight breeze carries a salty tang, and the soft sand shifts beneath my hands as I steady myself. My eyes slowly adjust to the dim light, and I realize Beast Boy isn't beside me.

A quiet, rhythmic sound of pebbles skipping across water catches my attention. I stand, the cool grains of sand sliding between my toes, and follow the noise. The night is alive with the gentle rustling of palm fronds and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures. As I approach, I see Beast Boy by the shoreline, his back to me, focused on the water. Each pebble he skips creates ripples that shimmer in the moonlight, dancing like liquid silver.

I walk up to him, placing a gentle hand on his back. He starts slightly, then relaxes as I sit down next to him. His skin is warm against the chill of the night. "Hey, BB, how are you?" I say, my voice still raspy from sleep.

He glances at me, his green eyes reflecting the moonlight. "I'm doing good, Rae. Sorry if I woke you. I just couldn't sleep," he says, his voice tinged with weariness and a touch of frustration.

I pull him closer, resting his head against my chest. My fingers thread through his hair, feeling its soft, almost silky texture. "It's okay," I murmur. "What's on your mind?"

He sighs, a mix of exhaustion and relief. "Just thinking about everything, you know? And... since you know more about my past now, I was hoping you could tell me more about yours. I've always been curious."

I hesitate for a moment, surprised by his genuine curiosity. Not many people have ever asked me about my past. "Uh... sure, I'll tell you. But it's a long story," I say, feeling a small smile form on my lips.

Beast Boy looks up at me, his eyes filled with interest. "I've got time," he says, wrapping his arms around me, seeking comfort in our closeness.

I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. The distant sound of the ocean fills the silence between us. "I was born in a place called Azarath," I begin, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's a realm of peace and tranquility, far removed from Earth. I was raised by the monks there, who taught me to control my emotions and powers."

I can feel Beast Boy's heartbeat steady as he listens intently, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on my arm. "But it wasn't always peaceful. My father... my father is Trigon, a demon lord. He wanted to use me to conquer worlds, to bring destruction."

Beast Boy's grip tightens slightly, his concern palpable. "That's... intense, Rae. I can't imagine what that must've been like."

I nod, my eyes staring into the distance as memories flood back. "The monks of Azarath protected me, taught me how to suppress my emotions to keep my powers in check. They were like family to me. But I always felt this darkness inside, a part of me that I had to fight against every day."

He gently strokes my back, offering silent support. "You're strong, Raven. Stronger than anyone I know."

A small, sad smile forms on my lips. "Sometimes, it doesn't feel that way. But thank you, Beast Boy. Your words mean a lot."

I take a deep breath, feeling the need to share more. "Azarath was founded by Arella, my mother, after she fled from Trigon. She was part of a cult that worshipped him, and when she realized the true nature of Trigon, she escaped. She found refuge in Azarath, a dimension where peace and tranquility are paramount."

Beast Boy's eyes widen slightly, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. "Wow, Rae. Your mom sounds brave."

"She is," I agree, a touch of pride in my voice. "But it wasn't easy. Growing up, I knew I was different. The monks, especially my mentor Azar, were always vigilant, always teaching me control. I wasn't allowed to feel too much joy, too much anger, or even too much sadness, because my emotions could trigger my powers, and that could lead to... disaster."

He nods, his expression thoughtful. "That must've been really hard."

"It was," I admit, my voice softening. "But I knew it was necessary. Trigon's influence was always there, lurking. The monks feared that one day, he would find a way to use me as a portal to enter our world. They taught me how to meditate, how to focus, how to keep my emotions in check. But it was isolating. I was surrounded by people, yet I always felt alone."

I pause, lost in the memory of a simpler time. "There was one thing that brought me comfort," I say softly. "A small green teddy bear. It was a gift from one of the monks, a rare item in Azarath. It was different, just like me. I named it Gar after an old Azarathian word for 'strength.' It was my secret solace, a reminder that even in a world of strict control, there could be softness."

Beast Boy's hand tightens around mine, his fingers squeezing gently. "You're not alone anymore, Rae. You have us. You have me."

I smile, a genuine warmth spreading through me. "I know. And I'm grateful for that."

We sit in silence for a moment, the sound of the waves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures creating a soothing backdrop. The night feels alive, each sound and scent amplifying the intimacy of our conversation.

"Azarath sounds like a beautiful place," Beast Boy says, breaking the silence. "But also, kinda lonely."

"It was," I admit. "It was my sanctuary, but it was also my prison. I had to leave to stop my father, to find my own path."

He looks at me with admiration and a hint of sadness. "You've been through so much, Rae. And yet, here you are, fighting alongside us, being amazing."

I chuckle softly, touched by his words. "Thanks, BB. You're not so bad yourself."

The sky begins to lighten ever so slightly, hinting at the approaching dawn. I take a deep breath, savoring the moment. "This place, this island... it's so peaceful. It reminds me a bit of Azarath, but it's different. It's freer."

He nods, a content smile on his face. "I'm glad you like it. It's special to me, just like you are."

As the first hints of dawn break the horizon, we lie back on the sand, wrapped in each other's arms. The cool night air mingles with the warmth of our bodies, and the rhythmic sound of the ocean lulls us into a tranquil state.

We lie there, watching the stars slowly fade as the sky turns a pale shade of blue. Sharing stories, holding each other close, we find comfort in the simplicity of the moment. As the morning light grows stronger, we drift off to sleep, the world around us fading into a serene blur.

Authors Note

Thank you all for the continuous support! I really appreciate it, almost 450 reads already that's crazy!! I'm so happy!!! I love you all! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, more chapters will be dropped soon!

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