Beast Boy's descent || 1

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It was a dark, gloomy night, with rain tapping relentlessly on the large window of the tower. Thick, brooding clouds shrouded the world in sorrow, erasing all light.

A tired Beast Boy lay there, staring into the void, letting out a small sigh. This weather always deepened his depression. He yearned for one thing—Raven.

She was everything he desired: smart, beautiful, occasionally funny, and mysterious. Each of her enigmatic smiles and cryptic words pulled him deeper into his obsession. He struggled to control his jealousy whenever other boys were around, feeling a nearly uncontrollable urge to lash out.

He was depressed; each thought in his brain constantly reminded him of the painful truth that she would never be his.

Each night, he would lock his door and sit on the cold floor, the razor blade in his hand reflecting the dim light. The pain was a twisted reminder of his failure, and the scars bore witness to his torment. This cycle began months ago when he saw Aqualad ask Raven out, and she accepted. The sight had sent waves of jealousy and self-loathing crashing over him. He blamed himself for his cowardice. In his mind, he deserved the pain.

Although Raven was an empath, she couldn't sense his feelings. He had been blocking her out since day one. She found it odd but didn't press the issue.

As the rain continued to fall, Beast Boy realized he needed to confront his feelings. He couldn't continue like this, caught in a cycle of longing and self-inflicted pain. He had to find the courage to face Raven and his emotions head-on, no matter the outcome.

Authors Note

Sorry for the short chapter, I hope my writing was alright. I'm not a very good writer lol Thanks for reading though!!!

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