Missed|| 11

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Raven POV

It has been months since the team has seen Beast Boy. We all miss him—especially me. Life feels so bland without his playful antics. I never realized how much I enjoyed his company, how comforting his presence was.

Each day without him feels like an eternity. The days drag on, monotonous and dull without his jokes or pranks. Even when he was sad, he somehow made things better for all of us.

I miss hearing Beast Boy and Cyborg's constant arguing over video games, their playful banter echoing through the tower. I miss his genuine happiness after winning a battle, the way his eyes lit up with joy. Despite his pranks and jokes, we all knew he genuinely loved us, and we loved him back. Now, my love for him feels different. I never noticed how much I needed him in my life. He was the one I needed, the one I wanted. But, as always, I'm just a dumb half-demon. Of course, he wouldn't like me back—maybe as a friend, but nothing more. And that hurts.

I think of him almost every day, his absence leaving a hole in my heart and in the hearts of the team. Even while meditating, my thoughts drift to him. What is he doing on the island? Is he enjoying life? Does he feel better now? I just want to see him again, to see the sparkle in his emerald eyes before he became sad. I love his beautiful eyes, his soft green hair. I want to run my fingers through it so badly. I want to hold him and tell him everything's going to be alright.

I let out a long sigh, snapping my book shut. It's that romance novel Beast Boy bought me months ago, the one I've practically memorized by now. Every time I read it, I imagine us as the main characters. My mind always spirals during the romantic scenes, envisioning what it would feel like to kiss him, to feel his touch. I'm such a fool for falling in love with Beast Boy.

I toss the book aside and lean back, staring at the ceiling. His dumb smile, his ridiculous jokes—they shouldn't mean so much to me. But they do. His stunning green eyes, his toned muscles—they haunt my thoughts. And now, after all this time, I'm finally realizing he's the one for me.

The room feels colder without his presence. His laughter used to fill the silence, his energy used to bring life to these lifeless walls. I close my eyes and let myself drift back to memories of him. The way his eyes sparkle when he's excited, the warmth of his touch when he offers comfort. It's unbearable how much I miss him.

Over the months, my thoughts about him have spilled onto paper. I've written poems, trying to capture his essence, his beauty. But words always fall short. How can I describe the way his presence lights up a room? The way his smile makes my heart race? It's like trying to capture the essence of heaven with mere ink and paper.

Some of my poems, are poems of sadness, some of love, but the majority are about Beast Boy. 

One of my poems goes like this:

Emerald eyes, so bright, In the middle of the night. A smile that breaks through my walls, A warmth that catches me when I fall.

His laugh, a sound so sweet, Green hair that's never neat. I wish to touch, to hold his hand, To tell him things he'd understand.

In my darkness, he's the light, A star that shines so bright. Beast Boy, with a heart so kind, I'm lost in love, and hope he'll find.

I've written so many of these.

I sigh again, the sound echoing in the empty room. I'm supposed to be meditating, but my thoughts keep wandering back to him. I wonder what he's doing on that island. Is he thinking about me too? Does he miss me the way I miss him?

I pick up the book again, tracing the cover with my fingers. The story inside is just a fantasy, but the emotions are real. My feelings for Beast Boy are real. I close my eyes and let myself imagine, just for a moment, what it would be like if he were here. His arms around me, his voice soothing my fears.

"Get a grip, Raven," I mutter to myself. But the truth is, I can't. Not when every fiber of my being is drawn to him. Not when the thought of him is the only thing that brings me comfort in the dead of night.

I open the book again, diving back into the story. It's the only way I can be close to him, even if it's just in my imagination. For now, it will have to be enough. 


This book is growing faster than I thought it was, thank you for the continued support, I will keep dropping these chapters as fast as I can! 
I suck at writing poems lol 
I love you all!

Entwined Shadows: The Tragic Love Story of Beast Boy and RavenWhere stories live. Discover now