Nervousness|| 2

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Beast Boy slowly pushed himself up from the couch, retrieving his phone from his pocket to check the time. The glowing screen read 1:37 AM.

The tower enveloped him in an unsettling silence as he tiptoed towards his room, careful not to disturb anyone else. Thoughts stirred in his mind. "Maybe I should really listen to my feelings and stop hurting myself," he whispered quietly. "The worst she could say is no, right? If she does, I'll just have to keep trying until Raven sees how much I care." He sighed wearily.

Entering his room, the green changeling's thoughts spiraled out of control. His head pounded, his legs wobbled, and his arms trembled as he collapsed onto his bed, his head bouncing lightly off the mattress. "What if I'm not good enough? What if I embarrass myself?" His mind raced with doubts. "Should I end it all now?" No, he whispered firmly. "I have to tell Raven how I feel."

Beast Boy lay still, staring at the ceiling, feeling the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him. "Why would she ever like someone like me?" he pondered. "I'm just the team goofball, the one who always messes up."

His thoughts drifted back to the last mission, where his mistake almost cost them dearly. The look of disappointment on his teammates' faces haunted him. "They deserve better," he muttered. "She deserves better." The pain of his perceived inadequacy gnawed at him, growing stronger with each passing second.

The room seemed to close in around him, the silence amplifying his inner turmoil. Beast Boy clenched his fists, trying to fight off the suffocating feeling of despair. "I need to do something, anything to stop this," he thought desperately. Yet for now, he resorted to harming himself to numb the overwhelming pain.

In the quiet of the night, Beast Boy rose to his feet, his legs feeling as weak as overcooked noodles and his arms as shaky as jelly. A soft whisper escaped his lips, "I hate myself," the words heavy with self-loathing. He moved towards the closet, his fingers fumbling for the hidden blade, his go-to remedy for the emotional battles within.

Once found, he shed his pants, sinking into his chair. The cold, sharp edge of the dagger pressed against his thigh, a chilling contrast to his warm skin. He winced as he drew the blade across, the physical pain a welcome distraction from the emotional storm raging inside him. "I deserve this," he thought, "for all the problems I've caused, for all the times I've failed them. I deserve this because I'm me."

The dagger bit into his flesh, each slice sending a shiver down his spine. Yet, he continued, etching more wounds into his thigh. Five agonizing minutes later, he reached for the first aid kit, tending to his self-inflicted injuries and cleaning the bloodied blade.

"Guess it's time for bed," he mumbled, glancing at the glowing screen of his phone. The phone read 1:50 am. With a weary sigh, he pushed himself up from the chair, his legs dragging him towards the bed. The pain from his cuts throbbed as he lay down, his eyes shut.

His dreams were like riding a rollercoaster, a mix of dread and hope. He saw himself confessing his love to Raven, the scenario playing out in two extremely different ways. One, a painful rejection that left him humiliated, the other, a rare vision of them together, living happily ever after.

Authors Note
Here's a quick quote :)
"The pain we inflict upon ourselves is often the reflection of the courage we lack to face our fears." You guys aren't alone, be sure to check up on your loved ones to see if they're ok. 

 I hope you guys enjoyed the 2nd chapter, I hope I'm not boring you guys though lol Please comment your opinions so far :D 

I'm hoping you all have a wonderful day!!

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