When will it end||29

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Beast Boy POV

It's been weeks, and Raven is yet to wake up. Her condition is terrible.

I haven't left her side ever since she came back, not once. I won't let anything ever happen to her ever again.

She's always mumbling in her sleep. We don't even know what she's saying. Cyborg guessed that she's just speaking Azarathian, her native tongue.

I'm worried. No, more than worried. This scene in front of me—it's killing me inside.

I can't imagine the unbearable pain she had to go through.

Raven's tough, but I'm not sure if she's tough enough to pull through this like all the other countless times she's been hurt.

This is completely different. That monster, Slade.

I hate him. There are no words to describe my hate for Slade. How could you do this to someone? How could you ever live with yourself after this?

My thoughts are interrupted by a light groaning noise. I look around the room—nobody else is there. Then I realize: it's coming from Raven.

I rush over to her side, quickly kneeling down to look at her face. Her eyes are struggling to open. She's trying.

"Raven, are you okay?" I whisper, my voice trembling. I gently hold her hand, careful not to hurt her.

She opens her eyes, staring at me. They look hollow, like she's a shell of her former self.

My heart is racing. I feel like I can't breathe. Sweat beads on my forehead. I don't know what to do.

Raven, my one and only, my mate...she isn't the same.

My chest tightens as I think back to the nights I watched over her, my heart breaking a little more each time she murmured in her sleep. I couldn't understand her, but I felt her pain in every word. Cyborg thinks it's Azarathian, but I wish I could understand. I wish I could do more.

Slade did this. The thought of him makes my blood boil. How could anyone do this to someone so kind, so strong? How could he live with himself after what he's done to her?

I try to push the anger aside as I focus on Raven. Her eyes are fluttering, and I feel a spark of hope. But when she finally opens them, they seem empty, like a part of her is missing. It's like a punch to the gut, seeing her like this.

"Raven, it's me, Beast Boy," I say softly, squeezing her hand gently. "You're safe now. We're here."

She blinks, her gaze unfocused, and I feel tears welling up in my eyes. The lump in my throat makes it hard to speak, but I have to be strong for her. I can't let her see how scared I am.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "We'll get through this, Rae. I promise. We'll make sure nothing like this ever happens again."

But instead of the comfort I hoped to offer, my touch seems to frighten her. Her eyes widen with a look of pure terror. She recoils from my hand, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"Raven, it's just me," I say, my voice barely a whisper. "It's okay. You're safe."

She doesn't respond. Her breathing becomes erratic, and tears stream down her face. It's as if she's trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape. The sight tears me apart.

Slowly, her eyes begin to flutter shut again, her body exhausted from the brief moment of consciousness. She slips back into sleep, leaving me there, helpless and heartbroken.

I sit there, watching over her, feeling the weight of the situation crushing me. The room feels colder, darker. The hope I felt just moments ago has faded, replaced by a deep, gnawing despair.

As she drifts back into unconsciousness, I whisper, "We'll get through this, Rae. I promise." But my words feel hollow, like empty promises I can't keep.

Raven, my one and only, my mate...she isn't the same. And I'm terrified she never will be.

Authors Note

IM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY, I'VE BEEN BUSY! I'll try to write more. 

Thank you all for the support still. 

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