New Years|| 20

31 6 0

Beast Boy POV

The first rays of sunlight peek through the heavy curtains, casting a warm, golden glow over my bedroom. I stretch, my muscles protesting slightly, but the promise of the day ahead ignites a spark of energy within me. The heater in the corner hums softly, its white noise a comforting presence in the crisp morning air. Today marks the beginning of a new year, a fresh slate, and I can feel a sense of anticipation filling the very air around me like a tangible substance.

I take a deep breath, inhaling the calming aroma of lavender and tea tree essential oils that fills the room. I am grateful for the moment of peace and quiet, a rare luxury in my busy life. I close my eyes, allowing myself a brief moment of respite before the day's challenges begin.

My fingers trace the supple fabric of a deep purple suit, the jacket adorned with black lapels, crisp white shirt, and black pants. As I run my hands over the luxurious material, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of wearing this sleek, stylish suit for the evening's festivities. A matching purple bow tie completes the look, and I already feel dressed to impress.

I take one last look at my reflection in the mirror. The wild strands of my hair stand at attention in defiance of taming, but I can't help but smile at the sight of myself. My hair may not be tamed, but I feel good about how I look, and that's what truly matters.

I navigate my way to the common room, greeted by the lively banter and activity of my Titans teammates. Cyborg is busy tweaking the snacks and drinks, his precise movements focused as he adds the final touches to the food spread. Starfire is hanging streamers and balloons with an abundance of enthusiasm, her cheerful laughter echoing through the room. Robin is making sure everything is in order, his attention to detail evident as he checks the music and lighting.

"Hey, BB! Looking sharp!" Cyborg calls out, giving me a thumbs-up as I enter the room.

I return the gesture, taking a moment to examine his outfit. He's also dressed in a suit, but his is more traditional—a sleek black jacket and tie. I can't help but feel a pang of pride at the sight of him in a suit, a testament to our growing bond as not just teammates, but friends as well.

Starfire floats over, her eyes wide with delight. "Friend Beast Boy, you look most handsome! I am certain Raven will be most pleased!"

I can't help but feel a rush of warmth at her words. "Thanks, Star. Where is she, by the way?"

She gives me a knowing smile. "She is in her room, preparing for the festivities. I believe she will join us shortly."

As the day wears on, the tower transforms from a comfy home into a glittering party venue. The colors and decorations that adorn the walls and furniture speak to the whimsy of the new year, and I can't help but feel a sense of excitement as I take it all in. The sun sets, casting an orange glow over the city, and the darkness of night envelops us as the evening's festivities kick into high gear.

Just before the grand climax of the night, I catch a glimpse of Raven in the hallway, her deep blue dress flowing around her like water. The fabric shimmers in the light, a hue that mirrors the night sky itself. Her hair is loose, cascading over her shoulders in soft waves, and her eyes are accentuated by a hint of dark makeup. She looks absolutely breathtaking, and I can feel my heart racing as I watch her approach.

"Hey, Rae," I manage to say, my voice barely audible.

She gives me a small smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Hey, Beastie. You clean up pretty well."

I grin, feeling a small swell of pride at her words. The party is about to reach its climax, and the atmosphere in the room is electric. Music fills the air, and everyone is in high spirits. Starfire and Robin are dancing together, their movements graceful and perfectly in sync, while Cyborg is showcasing his latest dance moves, much to everyone's amusement.

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