Celebration|| 18

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Beast Boy POV

The sun hangs high in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over everything it touches. The scattered clouds drift lazily, adding a serene contrast to the bright blue above. Birds chirp melodiously, their songs weaving through the gentle rustle of leaves in the light breeze. It's one of those perfect days that feels like it was made for something special. And today is indeed special—it's Raven's birthday.

Excitement bubbles within me as I think about the gift I've found for her—a rare spell book that I know she doesn't have. I made sure by sneaking a peek at her collection when she wasn't around. I just hope she likes it.

I kneel beside Raven, who is still asleep on our makeshift beach camp. Her face is peaceful, the usual guarded expression replaced with calm serenity. I gently rub her back, feeling the warmth of her skin under my fingertips, and kiss her forehead softly. "Wake up, birthday girl," I murmur, my voice tender and affectionate.

Her eyes flutter open, revealing those mesmerizing violet irises. She looks up at me, a soft blush coloring her cheeks. "Good morning, Beastie. Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday," she says, her voice still husky from sleep. She wraps her arms around me, pulling me into a hug that feels like home.

I smile, feeling her warmth. "I got a surprise back at the tower for you. Pack up, and let's head back," I say, pressing a light kiss on her lips. Her blush deepens, and she looks adorably flustered.

Raven quickly gathers our things, her movements graceful yet efficient. The soft sand shifts beneath her feet, and the gentle waves kiss the shore nearby, adding a rhythmic background to our morning. "I'm ready to go," she says lightly, her voice a soft melody.

"This time, Raven, we'll have a lot more fun on the way back." I lead her towards the water and, with a playful grin, transform into a dolphin. "Hop on, Raven, the water's nice!" I exclaim, my voice carrying a hint of my usual playful energy. She giggles, the sound like a tinkling bell, and climbs onto my back. The cool water splashes around us as we set off, the world blurring into a mosaic of colors and sensations.

The journey back is a sensory delight. The water is refreshingly cool against my dolphin skin, and I can feel Raven's gentle grip as she holds on. The ocean's saltiness fills the air, mingling with the scent of seaweed and the distant fragrance of tropical flowers. We swim past schools of fish that dart away in shimmering clouds of silver, and occasionally, a curious seagull swoops down to investigate us.

"Raven," I say, my voice carrying through the water, "What's your favorite memory from when we first met?"

She's quiet for a moment, the waves whispering around us. "I think it's when you made me laugh for the first time. You turned into that chicken, and I couldn't help but giggle. It was... unexpected."

I chuckle, feeling a warm glow inside. "I remember that! You have the most beautiful laugh, you know?"

We reach the shore near Titans Tower as the sun begins its descent, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. Raven dismounts gracefully, and I transform back into my human form, the change leaving me momentarily dizzy. I scoop her up in a bridal style, her surprised laugh filling the air, and carry her towards the entrance.

"Okay, Raven, close your eyes," I say, my voice brimming with excitement.

"Okay, Beastie..." she responds, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of amusement. She closes her eyes, trusting me completely.

I lead her inside, taking careful steps to avoid any hint of the surprise waiting for her. The common room is a flurry of activity, everyone hiding behind furniture and decorations. A giant banner reading "Happy Birthday Raven" hangs prominently, and the room is filled with balloons and streamers in dark purples and blues—her favorite colors.

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