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"Y/n dinners ready!"your mom screams waking you up.

It's dinner already and Dua hasn't texted or called you. You get up and stretch as you let a sigh out. Downstairs is your family, one brother, two parents, that's all. Your brother you barely even speak to because he's always out or whenever he's home he tries to avoid you. Your dad being a cop is also barely ever home so there's barely any communication there but he swears he protects you.

Then there's mother, the only one you see everyday and have genuine conversations with. She's always asking you if you fancy a boy hoping that one day you'll finally say you fancy Harry. She adores him, your dad as well. Especially since after school Harry plans to go into the Navy and your mom has already mentioned to you how beautiful it would be for you to accompany him everywhere he goes. Obviously your dad likes this because he went to the Navy when he was young as well.

"Y/n hurry on now!" Your mom screams

You put your slippers on and head downstairs. On your walk down stairs you start wondering if Dua will even text you tonight, you'll end up letting her mom down just because Callum doesn't piss off yet? It angers you but in a sweet way. The way where even though you're upset you know you'll see Dua again and you'll both please each other. However her family matters to you now too so upsetting them in anyway kills you as well.

"Finally your food must be cold now" your mom says as she shakes her head

Your food has been cold for the past 8 months. Late to dinner all the time because of Dua, either she won't hang up or she won't let you hang up. It's crazy that you've even changed your eating habits because of her. She still doesn't want to call it love and you still don't want to call it off.

"I hope you don't mind but I took some of your peas" your dad says hoping to get a chuckle out of you and you do, to make him proud just for that moment

You look to where your brother's usual seat is at and he isn't there.

"Where's Timothee?" You ask to spark up a conversation between the three of you even if you know the answer already.

"He said something about the park you know like always" your mom says as she sits and pats herself to begin eating

"That boy needs to be studying more than going out with his odd poet friends" your dad says

Your dad is expecting a lot from Timothee, wants him to be a cop as well, even though he never says it out loud. However what he doesn't know and should never know is that Timothee wants to be a writer. His "poet" friends are encouraging him to purse this which is why you believe he prefers to be around them than his proper family. It's sad truly but you doubt you can do anything in this situation.

Your phone vibrates and you quickly reach for it. You used to find it psychotic that a vibration would make your heart beat but now it's a pleasant feeling. Almost like opening a present on Christmas from a special someone.

(Come 😉) - dua

"Why a big smile?" Your dad asks

"I know we are in mid dinner but may I please go out, I'd promise Harry I'd go to the movies with him" you lie but you know they'll say yes if it's him, you also know if they ring he'll protect your lie.

"Is he coming for you?" Your mom asks

"I'm meeting him there he went to buy snacks" you reply

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