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Beginning of Senior Year:

You're in utter shock that you're already going to be a senior. You're actually really terrified at the fact that it's actually happening now, important decisions are to be made this year. Decisions that will affect your entire life. It also means one thing, one bittersweet thing. It's the last year you're possibly ever going to see her again. It's been actual hell since the last time you two had a long conversation, the last time being when you cut things off. You really hated yourself for doing it, you missed her and honestly you still miss her but it's getting easier to not. She's still in your thoughts but you're learning to prioritize other things like Harry and Taylor. Specifically Harry, you two have been talking more often, talking about being together. You've been able to let him closer to your heart but you still can't feel what you felt with Dua for him.

"Honey! Harry's here!" Your mom screams

Harry finally got his own car after working at a bakery during the summer. You tease him a lot because all the old ladies at the bakery have a crush on him. Who wouldn't though? He has charm and is very good looking. His car really matches him as well, very old money. His parents are rich but they told him he could never touch their money because it would keep him from working hard.

"Hey you" he says with a big smile on his face. He then kisses you on the cheek. He does this a lot now but still it doesn't bring you any closer to him. You like it, the affection but still no feelings.

"Are we picking up Taylor too?" You ask

"Yes yes" he replies

It felt weird sometimes to have him driving you around, when it used to be you the one who drove Dua around. He drives by the same streets you would take, sometimes even by her house and now you were on the other side. Observing him as he drove and observing everything else. The last big thing you heard about Dua was from Rina. Rina and you still kept in touch, she's a a close friend of yours now. She mentioned that Dua was basically losing her mind when it came to guys, making out with a new guy each weekend at the local club. When you found out she broke up with Callum you had some hope that maybe she realized it was you who she wanted to be with and she was going to confess it but she never did. You like to think that maybe Rina tells Dua things about you and somehow she's your line of communication to each other.

Rina never asked why you stopped coming over to hang out with Dua. She never asked why you never talked to Dua after that day. You think that maybe she understood that the whole milk situation pissed you off so you wanted to stop being friends with Dua. Sometimes you could hear Dua in the background as you talked to Rina over the phone. Her voice still making your heart skip a beat. Then the reminder of her saying that it was "wrong" to feel the way you feel comes right back to slap you on the face making you angry, it's the only thing that makes you want to forget her completely.

"You guys ready for senior year?" Taylor exclaims

"Hell no" you reply

"Same it sounds like a horror movie" Harry says

"Oh come on it'll be fun, prom and everything is this year! I won't lie it is a bit sad, going to miss everyone in choir" she says

"So you won't miss us?" You joke

"Of course I'll miss you guys, it's truly been so enchanting to be best friends for almost our entire lives but I know you guys will still be around you know? Like when I get married or when you guys get married we'll always be there for each other" she says and you turn red when she mentions you and Harry getting married so easily.

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