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You woke up, for the first time ever it feels like you have actually woken up. Usually waking up felt like a chore and had no meaning but today was something else. The first thing you do is reach for the phone, skipping over Gracie's calls and messages to find if Dua actually called you last night. She did in fact call you, it wasn't a dream! Now that you knew Dua loved you, everything felt brand new but you already knew this. You realize you must end things with Gracie if you want to do anything with Dua.

You call Gracie it didn't even have to ring for her to answer.

"Y/n thank god where have you been?" Gracie exclaims, you could hear all the worry in her tone

"I've just been busy sorry but I think we need to talk about us" you say

"What about us?" Gracie asked

You couldn't do it through the phone, it's immature to do that. Telling her in person may make it more understanding, easier to comfort her as friend. Yes you want to stop sleeping with her but you're hoping your friendship with her isn't totally out of the question. You don't want to be like Dua.

"Are you busy today? I'll come over" You say

"Well I'm at the studio but I'll be free tonight" she answers

"I'll see you tonight then" you tell her

Gracie on the other side was excited. She felt that maybe you'll finally admit to her that you've fallen for her as well. Her entire album so far is about you and she couldn't wait to share that with you as an act of love to maybe initiate an actual relationship.

"Yay okay I'll be waiting" Gracie bubbled. The call ended.

You didn't feel anything about the conversation you just had with Gracie because you can't help but smile about last night. And just as you started day dreaming a call came through, Dua. Taking a deep breath, you answer.

"Hey" you manage to say hoping it didn't sound too desperate.

"I was so scared you weren't going to answer" Dua laughs nervously

"To be honest I was afraid you wouldn't call and all this was some drunk joke" you too laugh nervously

"It's not, I promise I was as sober as I could get, I'll prove to you how serious I am if you see me today" she says

That's when you get the realization about how you made plans to see Gracie tonight. But it won't take long anyways right? You just tell her you don't want to be sexually intimate with her anymore and you could leave?

"Hmmm alright then, Dua Lipa tonight it is" you reply

"Also your message from last night I felt exactly the same, a little anxious but I have never been happier" Dua blushed

"You're still such a flirt" you laugh

"Just for you, I'll see you tonight" She says, both of you say bye and the call ends.

You couldn't believe what was happening. Is this the correct thing to do though? What were you kidding you didn't care because you love her. You said it you love her! Now that she admitted she does as well it makes you feel nothing but happy so happy that you can jump so you do! You jump on your bed like a child.

"God you're such a weirdo" Camila laughs as she stands by your bedroom door making you stop because you're embarrassed.

You get off your bed and quickly go to hug your best friend. You know she's surprised by this because you rarely are the physical touch type of person. Camila is usually the touchy one. She holds on to you tightly and she makes a humming noise.

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