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"What could you possibly want to talk about?" You say finally turning around

"Anything literally anything I just want to talk to you" she pleads, she looks around herself to see if anyone is watching this interaction which makes you sad for her to be so scared to be seen with you

"Harry's waiting for me" you reply

"How about you meet me later at the pier? You still have the same number? I'll text you?" She asks

Why is she doing this right now? Why is she trying to "talk" to you after she ignored you all last year? Truth is last year you both wanted each other back badly and you were willing to go back to the "casual" relationship but you didn't for some reason. Now though you're confident you don't want that again.

"I don't know Dua I gotta go" you reply and you walk away not leaving her a second to respond to you.

You felt guilty hurting her but it's better for that to happen than for you to be hurt. If only she knew all she had to do was say she loved you and make you her girlfriend, it would solve everything. You try to understand her view though and when understanding it you know she would never be able to do that. It's sad truly that the world is this way but what can one do? You're either with the world or against it.

"Hey why were you talking with Dua Lipa" Taylor walks up to you randomly, oh god. Come up with something, come up with something.

"Oh we have debate together and there's was a debate that like had everyone almost against each other so she wanted to talk about it" you reply

"Dua Lipa in debate sounds off" Taylor laughs and you fake laugh. Dua in debate is weird, she never mentioned any interest in it when you two were together. You mentioned it to her though so maybe it caught her interest?

Harry spots the two of you and waves. He smiles when he sees you coming up to him, he's so pretty. He open the door for you to get in and then he opens it for Taylor as well. He's a gentleman not just to you but to everyone, he was raised right unlike many guys now.

"How was it?" He asks you two

"Boring as always" you says

"Really fun actually" Taylor says

"Actually you're right Taylor it wasn't so bad today" you say, it's true school was boring but you met a new person and you got to see Dua so it was somewhat full of surprises

"Yea well this is just the beginning so it's great we all got a semi fun start" Harry says

Again you spend your time staring at the road, waiting for it to swallow you hole. Meeting Camila felt so planned like if she was someone you needed to come into your life to make you see that you need to stop being so worried about what others think of you. You haven't even considered thinking about what your friends would think if you came out. You know it'll 100% change the relationship you have with them, especially Harry.

"Hey Y/n so I invited Camila to my house tomorrow since we have math together but we said you should come too we're going to watch a movie" Taylor says as she gets out Harry's car

"Already replacing me" you sarcastically say

"Obviously the plan was just going to be me and you but i thought why not invite her she's new right?" She says

"True but yea I'll be there can't wait" you smile

"Can I come?" Harry asks

"No!" You and Taylor say at the same time

"Very sexist but okay" he laughs

As Harry drove you to your home, you couldn't stop thinking about Dua. What did she really want to talk about? Maybe she finally came to her senses? Say she did would you accept her back? Of course you'd want to but it's so complicated to be honest. Should you even meet her? What if she just wants to play with you all over again and you fall for it again?

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